日期:2012-03-02 14:10



Estelle Leonard: Come in. 请进。
Joey: Hi, I'm here to see Estelle Leonard. 你好,我来找Estelle Leonard。
Estelle Leonard: Just a moment, let me see if she is in.Hello. 稍等,我看看她在不?你好。
Joey: You are Estelle? I know. 你是Estelle?
Estelle Leonard: I know. you were not expecting someone so fantastically beautiful So, love lump, take a load off already, darling, sit down. 我知道你在等一位如此美丽动人的小姐.笨小伙,放下负担,亲爱的,坐下来。
Joey: I can not tell you how excited I am to be here. 我无法用语言表述,来到这里我有多么兴奋。
Estelle Leonard: Why not? 为什么?
Joey: What I meant was. 我的意思是说。
Estelle Leonard: You do not mind if I eat, do you? So, Joey, sweetheart, let me ask you a question. Did you ever see the movie Sleepless in Seatle? 你不介意我吃东西,对吧?不挂不怎么,我问你个问题吧.你看过西雅图不眠之夜这部电影?
Joey: Wow, do you represent those actors? 你是要我扮演那些演员吗?
Estelle Leonard: No. But you know at the end of movie, Bob and Ross were happy with each other? That is gonna be you and me. 不是这样的你知道结尾吧,Bob and Ross很快乐地在一起了,那将是我和你的体现。
Joey: you mean you want to sign me? 你是说你想签我?
Estelle Leonard: No, I wanna go to the top of the Empire State Building and make out,of course, I wanna sign you. 不,我想去帝国大厦顶上向世人宣布,当然,我想签你。
Chandler: Oh, Miss Leonard. 哦,Leonard小姐。
Estelle Leonard: Ride them, cowboy. 管住它们,牛仔。
Chandler: I am sorry. 对不起。


1. fantastical:幻想的(奇异的)
Empire State Building:帝国大厦
make out:告诉别人。
cowboy: 牛仔

2. take off 起飞;脱下;离开

We are now ready for take off. 我们现在正准备起飞。

Shall I take off my watch? 我的手表要取下来吗?

Helicopters take off straight into the air. 直升飞机能笔直地起飞。

I think we get to take off early today for ice. 我认为今天会结冰,我们可以提早下班。

3. do you mind 请你……好不好,倘若……你不见怪吧

Do you mind if I sit with you? 介意我跟你一起坐吗?

Sorry. Do you mind repeating? 对不起,你介意再说一遍吗?

Do you mind if I read aloud? 你介不介意我大声朗读?

Do you mind if I smoke here?/Do you mind my smoking here? 我在这里吸烟,你介意吗?
