日期:2012-03-30 16:46



Monica: Hello?喂?
Chandler: Hey, it's me.嗨,是我。
Monica: It's Chandler! Are you OK?是Chandler!你还好吧?
Chandler: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Gdcr.是的,我很好。我被关在取款机室里,和Jill Gdcr
Monica: What?什么?
Chandler: I'm trapped... in an ATM vestibule... with Jill Gdcr!我被关在……取款机室……和Jill Gdcr!
Monica: I have no idea what you just said.我搞不懂你在说什么。
Chandler: (angry) Put Joey on the phone.让Joey接电话。
Joey: What's up man?怎么了伙计?
Chandler: I'm trapped... in an ATM vestibule... with JLL GDCR.我被关在……取款机室……和JLL GDCR……
Joey: Oh my God! He's trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre! Chandler, listen.
哦我的天!他被关在取款机室了,和Jill Goodacre在一起!Chandler,听着。
Chandler: Yeah, like that thought never entered my mind.是,你以为我没那么想过。
Rachel: Alright, somebody.好吧,谁先。
Monica: OK, I'll go. OK, senior year of college... on a pool table.好,我来。好,大四的时候……在台球桌上。
All: Whoooaa!哇!
Ross: That's my sister.这就是我妹妹。
Joey: OK... my weirdest place would have to be... the women's room on the second floor of the New York City public library.好……我最怪的地方应该就是……纽约市立图书馆二楼的女洗手间。
Monica: Oh my God! What were you doing in a library?哦我的天!你去图书馆做什么?
Ross: Pheebs, what about you?Pheebs,你呢?
Phoebe: Oh... Milwaukee. It’s a really wired place.哦……Milwaukee。真是一个奇怪的地方。
Rachel: Um... Ross?恩……Ross?
Ross: Disneyland, 1989, 'It's a Small World After All.'迪斯尼公园,1989年,小世界
All: No way!不会吧!
Ross: The ride broke down. So, Carol and I went behind a couple of those mechanical Dutch children... then they fixed the ride, and we were asked never to return to the Magic Kingdom.
船坏了,所以,Carol和我走到几个荷兰机器小孩后面…… 然后他们修好了船,而我们被告之不准再去奇幻王国。
Phoebe: Oh, Rachel.哦,Rachel。
Rachel: Oh come on, I already went.哦别这样,我都说过了。
Monica: You did not go!你没有!
All: Come on...说吧。
Rachel: Oh, alright. The weirdest place would have to be... (sigh)... oh, the foot of the bed.哦,好吧。最怪的地方应该就是……哦,床脚。
Ross: Step back.大家退后。
Joey: We have a winner!现在有胜利者了!
Phoebe: This must be what the fridge looks like with the door closed. Spooky.这就是冰箱关上时候的样子。恐怖。
Monica: Anybody hungry? We got a Klondike ...soup.有人饿了吗?我们Klondike……汤
Rachel: I just never had a relationship with that kind of passion. You know, where you have to have somebody right there, in the middle of a theme park.我从来没拥有过那种激情似火的感情。你知道的,就是你和某个人在主题公园中央那样。
Ross: Well, it was the only thing to do there that didn't have a line.恩,如果不排队的话就只能做那个了。
Rachel: There, well, see? Barry wouldn't even kiss me on a miniature golf course.是那样吗,恩,是吗?Barry甚至在打迷你高尔夫球的时候都不会吻我。
Ross: Come on.不会吧。
Rachel: No, he said we were holding up the people behind us.不会,他说我们挡到后面的人了。
Ross: And you didn't marry him because...?而你不和他结婚就是因为……?
Rachel: I mean, do you think there are people who go through life never having that kind of...我的意思是,你会不会认为有的人一辈子都从来不会有那种……
Ross: Probably. But you know, I'll tell you something. Passion is way overrated.也许吧。不过你要知道,我告诉你一件事。对于激情你估计过高了。
Rachel: Yeah right.是啊。
Ross: It is. Eventually, it kind of... burns out. But hopefully, what you're left with is trust, and security. And... well, in the case of my ex-wife, lesbianism. So, you know, for all of those people who miss out on that passion... thing, there's all that other good stuff.就是这样。最终,激情可以说……会燃烧殆尽。但是希望留给你们的是信任和安全。还有,嗯,在我和我前妻的这个事情中,还留下了女同性恋关系。所以,要知道,对于那些错过了激情……之类的人来说,会有很多其他美好的东西。
Rachel: OK. 好吧。
Ross: But, um... I don't think that's going to be you.不过,恩……我不认为你会那样。
Rachel: You don't.你不这么认为。
Ross: Uh-uh. See, I see.... big passion in your future.呃-呃,恩,我看到……你的未来有非常大的激情。
Rachel: Really?真的?
Ross: Mmmm.恩。
Rachel: You do?你确定?
Ross: I do.确定一定以及肯定。
Rachel: Oh Ross, you're so great.哦,Ross,你太好了。


cover up:掩盖
intentionally: 有意地,故意地 garbled: 篡改的,曲解的
senior: 大四 pool table: 有六个落袋的撞球台 pool:撞球,池,水塘,常常在英语角碰到人介绍自己时候说是Grade one ortwo之类的,其实大学几年级有更地道的说法,freshman->一年级,sophomore->二年级,junior->三年级,senior->大四,研究生是postgraduate,博士生是phd
women's room= lady's room 女士卫生间
no way: 不可能
Magic Kingdom: 这是迪斯尼乐园奇幻王国的一个旅游项目小世界,人们坐着船顺着水道漂行,岸两边有机械控制的小人载歌载舞,服装和背景反映世界各国的风貌。剧中Ross回忆自己最古怪的做爱地点时选择了这里,1989年他和Carol去迪斯尼,因为机械故障,小世界停了下来,Ross就和Carol爬到一群荷兰小人后面去做爱,但就在这个过程中,机械故障被修好了。结果是:Ross和Carol成为奇幻王国不受欢迎的人,被要求再也不许去那里玩。
set back: 退后
spooky: 有鬼一样的,令人毛骨悚然的
in the middle of:正在...当中(在……的中部)
hold up: 阻挡
eventually: 终于,最后 burn out: 烧掉 trust: 信任 security: 安全
case: 情况,案例 in the case of: 就…来说,至于 ex-wife: 前妻 lesbianism: 女性同性恋关系
miss out on: 失去…的好机会 stuff: 东西

  • garbledadj. 篡改的;混乱的;引起误解的 v. 断章取义(g
  • intentionallyadv. 有意地,故意地
  • miniaturen. 缩图,小画像 adj. 小型的
  • senioradj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的 n. 年长
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后
  • themen. 题目,主题
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • passionn. 激情,酷爱
  • mechanicaladj. 机械的,力学的,呆板的 n. (供制版用的)样