日期:2015-10-22 10:24



Hello?Hi, Mrs. Lockwood.What do you mean? It is?

喂 你好 洛克伍德夫人 你什么意思 真的吗

Are you sure?'Cause I saw it.

你确定吗 因为我亲眼见到的啊

Let me check.I will find it and bring it.Ok. Bye.

让我确定一下 我找到以后带来 好的 再见

What's wrong?Ahh! God, what now?

怎么了 天哪 又怎么了

The pocket watch. Where is it?

怀表 在哪里

What watch?The one you stole from mom's box.

什么表 你从妈妈盒子里偷的那块

Look, Mrs. Lockwood just called me, freaking out.

洛克伍德夫人刚刚打电话给我 很懊恼

It was on the list, Jeremy.

那表是登记在清单上的 杰里米

And she can't find it And she thinks she's the one who lost it.

她现在找不到了 认为自己弄丢了

Maybe she did. Maybe Tyler took it.

也许真是她丢的 或者泰勒拿走了

Don't even play that card. Jeremy, You took it.

别和我耍花样 杰里米 是你拿的

If I go online, am I going to find it on ebay?

如果我上网 是不是会发现它在易趣上出售

Is that how you pay for your pot?


Screw you.I would never sell this, ok?

去你的 我绝对不会把它卖了的 好不好

Then why did you take it?Because it's supposed to be mine.

那你为什么要拿走它 因为它本来就是我的

Dad said it goes to the firstborn son.


His father gave it to him, and now what?

祖父把表传给了他 现在呢

And he was going to give it to you.Yeah.

他原本是要传给你的 是的

Look, Jeremy, it's still yours, ok?

听着 杰里米 它依然属于你 好不好

Mom promised Mrs. Lockwood.


What do you want me to do?Just take it and get out.

你要我怎么做呢 拿走吧 然后出去


1、freak out


Some browsers, like IE, will “freak out” if you use these new tags, but don’t worry.

如果你使用这些新标签,有些类似 IE 的浏览器会“出乱子”,不过别担心。

She said some people were better than others, and that she did her best not to get too unraveled by the people who freak out.




Suppose someone gave you an egg and asked you to describe exactly what was inside.


(根据所知) 料想

The policy is perfectly clear and I see no reason to suppose that it isn't working.


I knew very well that the problem was more complex than he supposed.


我想 (表示不太确定)

I suppose I'd better do some homework.


"Is that the right way up?"—"Yeah. I suppose so."

“那是上去的路吗?”— “是的。我想是。”

  • screwn. 螺钉,螺丝,螺旋,螺旋桨,螺状物 v. 拧,拧紧
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • complexadj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的 n. 复合体,综合体,