日期:2020-11-09 23:20



Ways to help pass procrastination and eventually get things done.



Brainstorm your way out


A common reason for procrastination is lack of ideas, when dealing with any kind of tasks, that mildly requires some creativity. we’ve all had our days of mind blocks or plateaus, it’s actually fairly common, but if this period of blockage is too long, procrastination can settle in. what you need to do is brainstorm. go outside have a walk and freshen up, observe and analyze everything you see or encounter. always bring a ben/pencil or a pda (for those of you more tech savvy) and start taking notes of what you see. don’t criticize yourself, write down even the most preposterous ideas your mind might produce, you never know when something brilliant might come up.

导致拖拉的一个常见的原因是没有主意,特别是处理某些需要创造性想法的任务。我们每人都有思路卡壳和畅通的时候,真是很常见,但是如果思路堵塞的时间太长,拖拉就会发生。你现在需要做的是脑力激荡。出去走走,清理一下思想,注意观察和分析你看到和碰到的任何事情。拿着笔和本子或者一个pda(这个需要你知道更多的技术知识),开始描述你看到的东西。 不要挑剔,写下甚至是最荒唐的主意,只要是你想到的,因为你永远不知道何时绝妙的想法会突然蹦出了。

