Things to do when you feel lonely
Talk to people
Isolation is a new hallmark of ourparadoxically "connected" society. Between texting, Tweeting, Facebooking,email and the phone, people are more connected than ever before. The problemwith all these kinds of communication is that they omit the face-to-faceelement of socialization.
This can lead to situations like someone observing, "I have 6,000 friends on Facebook, 4,822 Twitter followers, and whoknows how many people watching me on social media…and I don't have one person Ican call to go out for the night!” Try getting out and talking to yourneighbors, the cashier at the convenience store, or even total strangers. Ask questions and listen carefully to the answers. This is a great way to make newconnections, or maybe meet people who share your interests and hobbies.
这就造成了类似情景:“我在脸谱网上有6000位好友、推特网上有4822个粉丝,而且无数人都能在社交媒体上看到我……可当我晚上想要出去玩时,竟然没有一个能够叫上一起去的人!” 因此,请走出去主动和邻居、便利店收银员甚至陌生人讲讲话吧。问几个问题并认真听对方解答。这是建立新联系或认识志同道合朋友的好方法。