Learn a language-you need to know
Focus on exactly what you want to learn
Often the discussion around how to learn a language slides into a debate about so-called traditional v tech approaches.
For Aaron Ralby, director of Linguisticator,this debate misses the point: "The question is not so much about online voffline or app v book. Rather it should be how can we assemble the necessary elements of language for a particular objective, present them in auser-friendly way, and provide a means for students to understand those elements."
对于Linguisticator公司的主管亚伦·罗尔比(Aaron Ralby)来说,此类辩论都没有抓到重点:“问题并不是关于在线学习和离线学习,亦或使用应用程序学习或使用书本学习,而应该是我们在面对一个特定的学习目标时,如何收集学习所需的素材,并将这些材料以对用户友好的方式呈现,并提供给学生理解这些材料的方法。”
When signing up to a particular method orapproach, think about the substance behind the style or technology.
"Ultimately," he says, "thelearning takes place inside you rather that outside, regardless of whether it'sa computer or book or a teacher in front of you."
“最终,” 他说,“学习是发生在你的内心而非外部环境当中,无论你面对的是电脑、书本还是老师。”