日期:2020-11-07 23:41



Ways to help pass procrastination and eventually get things done.



Take it one step at a time


some tasks, at first glance, may seem simply overwhelming or require a herculean amount of effort, so in term we don’t do anything, at all. it’s important not to let yourself discouraged by any particular amount of work or pressure involved in an activity; what you need to do is start off slow, in small baby steps, in a revere pyramid style and you’ll soon find that things are actually beginning to shape up. for example the other week, i went in with my dad in the garage to clean up the place. there were wrenches, old car oil stench, used car parts, an old refrigerator, a broken tv and a bunch of other useless crap lying all over the place. i didn’t even know where to start from and it all seem like it was gonna take for ever to clean up the mess. my dad soon approached me and told me“there’s no hurry son, there’s no pressure, we’ll just take it one step at a time and see where we get.”we started off with the floor, then with the stocked up drawers and went to more and more difficult task from there on, until around midnight we finally finished. my garage never looked cleaner. this is not only a methodical technique of getting things done, but also a provider or motivation.

有些任务,乍一看,感觉是无法实现的,或是需要莫大的努力,于是就导致我们竟然就什么都没做。我们千万不要因为某些工作或压力而气馁,这很重要;我们处理它们的方法应该是逐渐启动,就像小孩学走路时最初的那一小步,采用一种倒金字塔的方法,你很快就能发现事情正在实际的开始有雏形了。例如,有一个周末,我跟爸爸一起走进车库准备清扫这个地方。扳手,废油,用过的汽车零件到处都是,一个旧冰箱,一个破损的电视,还有一堆其它没用的废物。我真是不知道如何下手,看起来这是个永远不能完成的任务。爸爸很快走过来告诉我:“这里没有什么要紧的事情,没有什么要求,我们只需要每次做一点,然后看看我们都做完了什么。“我们从地板开始,然后是那些放东西的抽屉,然后其他越来越麻烦的事情,这样,直到午夜,我们终于完成了。 我们的车库前所未有的干净。这不仅是一种做事情的技术方法学,也是为人父母和激励人的方法学。

