日期:2016-11-17 20:51



The foul taste of this guy could mean he's not what I think he is.

这个小家伙恶心的味道 告诉我它不是我所想的那种虫

He could be toxic.The rule is: If in doubt, spit it out.

说不定它还有毒 原则就是 若有疑问 赶快吐出来

There's no point trying to get a load of these down me and end up throwing up.

我不可能把这些全都吃进去 最后全都吐出来

It's just going to dehydrate me more.


Mud like this can be up to 50% water.There's actually a neat way of getting yourself a drink.

这样的泥约含有一半的水 有种比较干净的方法来喝到水

I'll wrap all of this up and try to squeeze the moisture out of it.

我把这些都包起来 并尽量把其中的水分都挤出来

That's a little bit of water.I need to get out of here.

这只有一点点水 我得爬出去

The technique for going up is just a reversal of the way I came down,but way harder.

往上爬的技巧 与下来的正好相反 但难度却大多了

I'm climbing out of a dried up well in the Sahara desert and a pole has given way,leaving me dangling above a lethal drop.

我正要爬出撒哈拉大沙漠中 一个干枯的古井 但一根木棍却掉了下去 留我挂在上面垂死挣扎

Bad, bad, bad!If this pole gives way,it's a 50-foot plunge to the bottom.

不妙 糟糕 糟糕 如果这根木棍也掉了 就意味着从十五米高的地方跳下去

Get me out of this.Okay. I'm good.Closer than I like.I hate that feeling.We should move on.

拉我出去 好了 没事了 幸好比较近 我讨厌这种感觉 我们继续走吧


1、end up


The result was that the engine ended up at the bottom of the canal.


She fled with her children, moving from neighbour to neighbour and ending up in a friend's cellar.



If you don't know what you want, you might end up getting something you don't want.


Every time they went dancing they ended up in a bad mood.


2、go up


Interest rates went up.


The cost has gone up to 1.95 dollar a minute.



I was going to get out of the building in case it went up.


The hotel went up in flames.



A cheer went up from the other passengers.

