日期:2016-10-20 20:11



This chopper crew know this stuff,and I'm safe on the deck,and the helicopter is out of here.

这队机组人员驾轻就熟 我安全着陆以后 直升机就返航了

But things don't always go that smoothly.


In Guatamala,Simon and I plan to rappel together out of that breen helicopter.

在危地马拉时 西蒙和我打算一起从盘旋的直升机上绳降下去

And this time, we went in hot.

然而这次 我们踏进了火坑

There's a live volcano beneath us,That's the lava.

我们下方有座活火山 那就是岩浆

You can feel the heat coming out of this stuff.


Must have hundred of feets here,It's hot.

这儿起码离地有几百尺高 但还是很热

You know there's no land right on top of a volcano,

飞机无法停留在 一座岩浆迸发的火山上

lava, just off the back side of it,Smoking sulfur fumes everywhere,

岩浆从后面喷发 到处弥漫着呛人的硫磺烟雾

and winds that were just throwing the helicopter all over the place, and it was a real battle.

狂风把直升机吹得左右摇摆 这真是一场恶仗

You've got a helicopter higher,but he can't see what's going on.

我们得提升直升机高度 但这样一来飞行员无法看到下面的情况

And, basically, I become the pilot's eyes,so I tell the pilot exactly what's going on.

我几乎成了飞行员的眼睛 告诉他们下一步的指示

Okay, then, we're good.Bear is underneath...the helo.

好的 一切正常 贝尔已经在 飞机下方

The pilot was fighting with the helicopter,cause the winds were throwing the helicopter all over the place,

飞行员努力控制着直升机 因为大风将飞机吹得东倒西歪

and I was lowering Simon down the other side.


I was halfway down the rope,between the helicopter and the ground.

我就挂在半空中 在飞机与地面之间

And the pilot said,Dave, I got to go.I can't hold the helicopter any more.

这时飞行员说 戴夫 我得走了 我控制不住飞机了

I had one hand on Simon,and I'm trying to look at Bear, I'm trying to lower Simon.

我一手扯着西蒙 一边关照贝尔 一边放下西蒙

I'm trying to convince the pilot just to hold on for another,


you know, 15 seconds so I could get Simon to the ground.


Literally, just about to pull my knife out to cut the rope.

然后 我马上拔出刀子 切断绳索


1、come out


The book comes out this week.


Christian Slater has a new movie coming out next month in which he plays a vigilante.



The truth is beginning to come out about what happened.


It will come out that she has covertly donated considerable sums to the IRA.



In this grim little episode of recent American history, few people come out well.


So what makes a good marriage? Faithfulness comes out top of the list.


2、pull out


She pulled out into the street.


He was about to pull out to overtake the guy in front of him.



The World Bank should pull out of the project.


France was going to pull out of NATO.



Sterling has been hit by the economy's failure to pull out of recession.


What we want to see today are policies to pull us out of this recession.

