日期:2016-05-18 20:41



There are so many nails on it.


While It may not be very pretty but made it cross without being eaten.

这筏子可能不好看 但是能安全划过来

And in my book,that makes the great raft.

而在我的字典里 这就是一艘好筏子

With no rope to secure the wood building a raft strong enough to navigate wild water rapids is a huge challenge.

没有绳子绑紧木头 做一艘结实到能够能够对抗急流的筏子 是一个巨大的挑战

The Yukon a kayak left in the log jam seem to provide the answer.

育空河被木头卡住的一艘皮划艇 似乎已经给出了答案

It almost bent into half And that is at least one big hole in it.

它都要弯成两截了 还有至少一个 大洞

Try to get out of the water.Before setting sail,the damage craft needed repairs.

试图把它从水里弄出来 起航前 我们需要修缮筏子上的损坏部分

The surculose tree provided support stress to get the canoe back at its rigidity.

枝条提供的支持力 可以恢复小舟的强度

And the tree's resin deaconed with ash makes a perfect cement to plug any holes.

树的树脂 与灰混合后 成为完美的填充材料

And a canoe like this,you'll need a paddle.

像这样的小舟 需要船桨搭配

Make a wooden frame covered with a dry bag or rucksack.Ready to go now.

做一个木质框架 覆盖上干燥的帆布背包 准备出发

Keep the canoe straight onto the flow of the river.


Allow it to turn sideways,and the current will flip you over.

一旦向一边倾斜 水流就会把你打翻

Once in the water, stay on your back with your feet pointing down the stream,

一旦落水 为了防止头部撞击岩石

to protect your head from hitting any rocks.


Receive a direct blow at this speed,and you'll gonna to be unconcious.

如果直面这种速度的撞击 你会失去意识的

I got hang on you, for as long as no kidding.

终于上岸了 不是开玩笑

There is no way that canoe is gonna sail right in that wave.That's a long gone.

小舟在这种环境下行驶真是不现实 走的挺远了

Next, on the hunting experience in Namibia,a farmer were trapped in a hole,with no way out.

接下来 纳米比亚打猎技巧 一位农民困在洞里 无法脱身




Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.


The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord.



a lock system to allow sea-going craft to navigate the upper reaches of the river.


Such boats can navigate on the Nile.



When travelling on fast roads at night it is impossible to drive and navigate at the same time.


the relief at successfully navigating across the Golden Gate Bridge to arrive here.




I'll be glad to provide a copy of this.


They would not provide any details.



The treaty provides that, by the end of the century, the United States must have removed its bases.


The Act provides that only the parents of a child have a responsibility for that child's financial support.

