日期:2016-01-15 20:50



I've never tried this before,but survival requires that you think on your feet.

我以前没试过这个办法 但是逆境求生就是要打破常规思考方式

Or on your knees.Okay, I'll turn this over,and it should start to freeze and stick pretty quickly.

哪怕用膝盖思考 我要把它翻转过来了 它应该要开始结冰并紧紧地黏在雪橇上

And look, this should have snow,yeah,there you go, stuck to the bottom of it.

看 有雪黏在上面了 成功了 雪黏在雪橇底部了

Okay, let's get going.Actually, look, these are climbing quite nicely.Urine skeins -- that's what they are.

好了 出发吧 看 这样上坡就顺畅多了 尿冻防滑 就这么简单

I'm always inspired by the legend of a polish second world war prisoner who escaped a russian gulag deep in the arctic.

一个二战波兰俘虏的传奇一直激励着我 他从俄国位于北极圈的古拉格集中营逃出

It's said he hiked for 3 years across terrain like this before finding rescue.

传说他在这种地方逃亡跋涉了三年 才得到救援

There's a big lake ahead.Man, just look at this place.Absolutely vast and pretty featureless.

前面有个大湖 天哪 瞧瞧这地方 又空旷又平坦

But, you know, that's the way I want to be heading.


But really, I don't want to hang around long on a lake as big as this.

但说真的 我不想在这么大的湖边 呆太长时间

The lake is 5 miles across,but there's only one hour of daylight left.I'll never cross it before dark.

横过这座湖要走5英里 但是再过一小时就晚上了 天黑之前我绝对到不了对岸

With no shelter,this exposed stretch of ice is no place to get stuck for the night.

没有遮盖物的话 在这片开阔的冰层上过夜不是好主意

Actually, the wind's picked up now quite a lot,and I reckon I can actually use my reserve parachute as like a kite,

而且风开始变大了 我突然想到 我可以把降落伞当风筝用

to pull me across the ice here,and that will get me across much quicker.

借风力拉我过这片冰湖 这样我的速度就会快些




These herbs will inspire you to try out all sorts of exotic-flavoured dishes!


Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.



The book was inspired by a real person, namely Tamara de Treaux.


a political murder inspired by the same nationalist conflicts now wrecking the country.



The car's performance quickly inspires confidence.


2、hang around


He got sick of hanging around waiting for me.


On Saturdays we hang about in the park.



They usually hung around together most of the time.


Helen used to hang round with the boys.


  • stretchn. 伸展,张开 adj. 可伸缩的 v. 伸展,张开,
  • sheltern. 庇护所,避难所,庇护 v. 庇护,保护,隐匿
  • rescuevt. 营救,援救 n. 营救,救援
  • headingn. 标题,题目,航向 动词head的现在分词
  • freezev. 冻结,冷冻,僵硬,凝固 n. 结冰,冻结
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉
  • prisonern. 囚犯
  • terrainn. 地带,地域,地形
  • motivatevt. 给与动机,激发(兴趣或欲望)
  • inspiredadj. 有创见的,有灵感的