日期:2016-06-28 20:19



A big drop-off.I think I'll back up a bit.

这是一处很高的峭壁 后退一点为妙

Look, there's a ship's rope down there.See that on the surf?

看 下面有条废弃的船缆 看到了吗 就在浪头上

If I can get that, that'll be so useful.

如果我能弄到它 那肯定很有用

Hang on. This is gonna be a nightmare to get down.

等等 从这下去简直是个噩梦

On this loose, steep rock, it's too risky to free-climb.


The old netting I found on the beach could be the answer.


Ah, it's gonna be perfect.I want to get this done quickly.

真是太完美了 我要赶紧下去

I don't know how long that...rope's gonna stay.


It's getting washed out in the surf. I need to move.

眼看就要被冲走了 必须马上行动

And what I'm gonna do here is put a clove hitch,around itself,over the top,and under.

我要打个双套结 绕一圈 从上方再绕一圈 然后穿过去

Again, it's all so loose.Okay, time to put the weight on it.Well, this is holding quite nicely.

石壁的质地非常疏松 好了 是时候看看它能否承受得住了 好极了 它完全可以承受我的体重

I'm at the limit of this now.The only problem is is when I'm gonna get back up,once I let this go.

渔网最多拉到这么长了 唯一的问题就是一旦我放开手 我要怎么上去

The netting has got me most of the way down.Let's give it a go.

渔网也就能让我下到这个地方了 放手一搏吧

Getting back up is gonna be much harder.Look at the size of this.

顺着原路爬回去绝对是难上加难 快看它有多粗啊

A serious oil tanker or something that would use it,but one thick strand probably means about 500 little strands.

大型油轮之类的船舶才用的上它 如此粗大的绳索 大约由500条细绳编制而成

But it weighs a ton.There's no way I'm gonna drag this back up there.

可它太重了 拖着这个根本不可能爬上去

Let's see if it floats, and I'll swim around.Yeah, it's floating. Get me around the corner.I'm gonna swim it.

看看它能否浮起来 然后带着它游过去 它漂起来了 到岩石那边接我 我要游过去

Successful island survival involves a daily routine of finding food,water, and planning your escape or rescue.

想要在荒岛上生存 每天都要规律的 寻找食物和水 并考虑营救计划

The downside is when opportunities come,you can be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

但这一方案的缺点在于 机会来临时 你却在错误的时候身处错误的地方

There's something on the horizon.See it? let's get to the beach. come on.

地平线那边有东西 看到了吗 我们得赶快上岸


1、get down


At times when my work gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a farmer.



The idea has been going around in my head for quite a while and now I am getting it down on paper.



She got down on her hands and knees on the floor.


'Get down!' she yelled. 'Somebody's shooting!'


2、back up


Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.


Her views are backed up by a 1989 Home Office report on crime.



Make a point of backing up your files at regular intervals.


I get so annoyed when I lose work because I've forgotten to back it up.



The Secretary General says the declaration must now be backed up by concrete and effective actions.


It is time the Government backed up its advert campaigns with tougher measures.

