Hong Kong's COVID era is finally coming to an end.
香港的新冠疫情时代终于宣告结束 。
"After looking at all the data, the trend and the fact that the winter surge is nearing the end,
in order to give people a very clear message that Hong Kong is resuming normalcy, I think this is the right time to make the decision."
为了给人们一个非常明确的信息,即香港正在恢复正常,我认为现在是做出决定的正确时机 。”
After more than two and a half years, people need not cover their faces when they are indoors, outdoors or on public transport.
两年半后,在室内、室外或公共交通工具上,人们终于不用再遮住自己的脸了 。
But masks will remain compulsory in medical facilities, while care-home visitors and staff are advised to keep their faces covered at all times.
但医疗机构仍将强制要求佩戴口罩,而养老院的访客和工作人员也同样被建议要佩戴口罩 。
"For premises or groups who will be regarded as high risk, then the person in charge of the place can still ask people to wear masks."
“对于被视为高风险的场所或人群,这些地方的负责人,仍可以要求人们佩戴口罩 。”
Hong Kong has weathered five waves since the COVID Crisis began in early 2020.
自2020年初新冠肺炎爆发以来,香港已经历了五波疫情 。
When the first wave broke out in February 2020, panic-buying broke out as people scrambled for necessities.
在2020年2月爆发第一波疫情时,人们争相购买生活必需品,引发了恐慌性购买 。
These included surgical masks, with the price skyrocketing to over $1000 per box at the time.
其中就包括了外科口罩,当时每盒的价格飙升至超过1000港元 。
People queued overnight without any guarantee that they would get masks. Masks became compulsory in July 2020.
人们彻夜排队,都无法保证能买到口罩 。2020年7月,人们被强制要求佩戴口罩 。
In a bid to alleviate the shortage, then-chief executive Carrie Lam distributed free reusable copper-lined masks that cost $280 million.
为了缓解口罩短缺,时任香港特首的林郑月娥免费发放了可重复使用的铜芯抗疫口罩,价值2.8亿港元 。
At midnight tonight, Hong Kong ends its 958-day mask mandate, one of the longest in the world.
在今晚午夜,香港结束了为时958天、也是世界上持续时间最长之一的口罩强制令 。