The leader of al Qaeda was killed by a U.S. drone strike in Afghanistan's capital over the weekend, according to President Joe Biden on Monday,
in the biggest blow to the militant group since founder Osama bin Laden was killed eleven years ago.
这是自“基地”组织创始人奥萨马·本·拉登11年前被击毙以来,该组织遭受的最大打击 。
"My fellow Americans, on Saturday at my direction, the United States successfully concluded an air strike in Kabul, Afghanistan, that killed the emir of al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
“我的美国同胞们,周六,在我的指示下,美国成功地完成了在阿富汗喀布尔的空袭,击毙了“基地”组织的埃米尔--艾曼·扎瓦希里 。
None of his family members were hurt and there were no civilian casualties.
他的家人没有受到伤害,也没有造成平民伤亡 。
Zawahiri, an Egyptian surgeon who had a $25 million bounty on his head, succeeded bin Laden as al Qaeda leader, after years as its main organizer and strategist.
曾被悬赏2500万美元、此前是一位埃及外科医生的扎瓦希里,接替本·拉登成为了“基地”组织的领袖,多年来他一直担任主要组织者和战略家的角色 。
Zawahiri helped coordinate the 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York City.
扎瓦希里曾协助策划了造成纽约市近3000人死亡的9/11袭击事件 。
Biden also said he masterminded or played a key role in attacks on the USS Cole in the year 2000 that left 17 sailors dead,
as well as on two African U.S. embassies two years prior which left hundreds dead and thousands more wounded.
同样的还有两年前美国驻非洲大使馆遇袭,造成数百人死亡、数千人受伤的事件 。
A Taliban spokesman confirmed the weekend strike, and strongly condemned it.
塔利班发言人证实了上周末的这次袭击,并表示强烈谴责 。
That drone attack is the first known U.S. strike inside Afghanistan, since U.S. troops and diplomats left the country in 2021.
这是自2021年美国军队和外交人员撤离阿富汗以来,外界已知的首次在阿富汗境内发动无人机袭击 。