Powerful waves triggered by Typhoon Chaba snapped the 200-meter-long "Fujing 001" in two when it was about 300 kilometers southwest of Hong Kong at around 7:30 A.M.
上午7时30分左右,在香港西南约300公里的位置,台风“暹芭”引发的强烈海浪,将船身200米长的“福景001号”拦腰折断 。
The disaster happened near the eye of the typhoon when it was moving at a speed of 144 kilometers per hour, and churning 10-meter-high waves.
事故发生在台风风眼附近,当时台风“暹芭”正以每小时144公里的速度移动,并掀起了高达10米的巨浪 。
Thirty sailors abandoned the engineering vessel when it broke up.
当工程船“福景001号”解体后,船上30名船员弃船逃生 。
Hong Kong's Government Flying Service, or GFS, deployed a number of fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters to rescue the crew.
香港特区政府飞行服务队(GFS)随即出动多架固定翼飞机和直升机,营救船员 。
A rescue ship from the mainland also joined in the operation.
一艘来自中国大陆的救援船也加入了营救行动 。
By the time the Hong Kong aircraft arrived at the scene, half of the vessel had already sunk.
在香港的飞机到达现场时,船体的一半已经沉没 。
Officers abseiled down the helicopter to rescue the crewmen, and as of 3:00 P.M., three had been winched to safety.
飞行员们从直升机上沿绳滑下营救船员,截至下午3点,共有3名船员被吊起送到安全的地方 。
The survivors fear that the other crew members might have been swept away by the waves.
幸存者们担心其他船员很可能被海浪卷走了 。
In a social media post, the GFS said adverse weather conditions brought on by Typhoon Chaba had made the rescue operation very difficult.
香港特区政府飞行服务队在社交媒体上发帖称,台风“暹芭”造成的恶劣天气条件,使得救援行动非常困难 。
Controller West Wu told i-Cable News that metal fatigue could have led to the crack on the ship.
总监West Wu在接受有线电视新闻台采访时表示,金属疲劳可能是导致船体出现裂缝的原因 。
Wu added that some structures, such as wind turbines, near the accident's site, made their efforts much more dangerous.
Wu还表示,事故现场附近的一些装置,如风力涡轮机,使他们的救援工作更加危险 。