Beijing health authorities found the Omicron patient had no known travel history outside the capital city in the past 14 days,
though the individual had handled a package from overseas.
不过曾收到过一个来自海外的包裹 。
Health officials tracked down the package which left Canada on January 7.
卫生官员立即追踪了这一于1月7日从加拿大发出的包裹 。
It stopped over in the United States, and Hong Kong in China, and arrived in Beijing on January 11.
该包裹曾在美国和中国香港停留,并于1月11日抵达北京 。
12 out of 22 samples taken on the surface and inside the package tested positive for coronavirus, which was later confirmed as the Omicron variant.
在包裹表面和内部采集的22件标本中,有12件新冠病毒检测呈阳性,随后被确认为奥密克戎变异株 。
Authorities also tracked down more packages from the same origin.
此外,有关部门还追查到了更多由同一来源发出的包裹 。
5 out of 54 samples taken on the surfaces of the parcels came back positive.
在54件样本中,5件的外包装检测呈阳性 。
Our genetic sequencing test showed the strain belongs to sub-lineage BA.1 under the Omicron variant.
我们的基因测序结果显示,该病毒属于奥密克戎变异株的BA.1进化分支 。
It's not from the same transmission chain as existing Omicron cases in other parts of China.
与中国其他地区报告的奥密克戎变异株均存在差异 。
The strain has high similarities with some samples from North America and Singapore taken in December 2021.
与2021年12月北美和新加坡等地分离的部分毒株相似度较高 。
We cannot rule out the possibility that the person was infected after contact with an object from overseas.
我们不能排除该患者是通过接触海外物品而感染的可能性 。
Beijing's postal authority said they will improve the disinfection of overseas packages.
北京市邮政部门表示,他们将加强对海外包裹的消毒 。
Workers who handle these goods will be tested at least twice a week.
负责接收这些货物的工作人员,每周至少要接受两次核酸检测 。