College Entrance Exams in China, or the "gaokao", have kicked off today.
中国的大学入学考试,即“高考”,在今天拉开了帷幕 。
As many cities see their Covid outbreak cease, nearly 12 million students are sitting for the make or break tests.
随着许多城市新冠肺炎疫情的结束,今年共有近1200万名学生参加这一关乎自己未来的考试 。
Shanghai has postponed its exam next month as it comes out of its strictest restrictions yet.
上海市的高考已经推迟至下个月,这是因为该市出台的最严格的管控措施 。
Elsewhere, the tests are being held with virus prevention and control measures in place.
在其他地方,核酸检测和当地的病毒防控措施也按要求推行 。
For example, in the northern ShanDong Province, temporary ID card points have been set up at school gates for those who forget their original ID cards.
例如,在北方的山东省,在学校门口,专门为那些忘记带身份证原件的人设置了临时身份证服务点 。
In several cities, taxi and bus services have volunteered to shuttle students between their places of residence and examination centers.
而在一些城市,出租车和公交车志愿服务,接送学生往返于居住地和考点 。
In the capital Beijing, over 54,000 candidates are registered for the gaokao this year.
而在首都北京,今年有超过5.4万名考生报名参加了高考 。
Students living in closed-off or quarantined areas sit for the exams at designated hotels, with one room assigned per student.
住在封控或隔离地区的学生,都是在指定的酒店参加考试,每个学生分配一个房间 。