Dr.Meg Autry at UCSF OB/GYN said she has had the idea for a vessel that would provide surgical abortions and reproductive health care services for a very long time.
加州大学旧金山分校的妇产科医生梅格·奥特里表示,她早就有了设立一家可以提供流产手术和生殖保健服务的船上诊所的想法 。
But it was the recent Supreme Court decision that helped inspire her to kick it into gear.
而最近美国最高法院的一项裁决激励了她,让她准备启动这一计划 。
She's now spearheading the PRROWESS, which stands for Protecting Reproductive Rights of Women Endangered by State Statutes.
她现在正发起PRROWESS运动,PRROWESS的意思是“保护受州法律威胁的女性生殖权利” 。
The vessel would be located in federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico, near states where abortions are banned.
该漂浮诊所将在墨西哥湾的联邦水域内运营,该水域临近美国那些禁止堕胎的州 。
She wants to offer the services at low or no cost.
奥特里医生希望以低廉的价格或者干脆免费,来提供这些服务 。
"People that care deeply about access to reproductive rights know that we have to be innovative and creative in order for patients to be able to continue to have access.
“那些非常关注拥有生育权的人们知道,为了让患者能够继续拥有生育权,我们必须要有创新、创造力 。
We know internationally that when access is limited or abortion is illegal, patients die."
从国际上来看,如果获取途径有限或堕胎定义为非法,那么患者就会死亡 。”
The cost at least 20 million dollars.
漂浮诊所耗资至少2000万美元 。
Dr. Autry said the PRROWESS is looking for donations, and ideally a donated boat.
奥特里医生称,PRROWESS正在寻求捐款,最好是捐赠一艘船 。
She knows that pulling this off won't be easy. The group is already working with a team of attorneys.
她清楚完成这件事并不容易 。该组织目前已经在与一个律师团队展开合作 。
"There's operational, logistics, there's the whole idea of maritime law and then there's obviously security, there's liability, I mean the challenges are countless."
“这涉及到运营、物流、还有完整的海事法,当然还有安全、责任,我的意思是面前的挑战不计其数 。”