China's Foreign Ministry has announced a series of countermeasures after U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan.
在美国国会众议长南希·佩洛西窜访中国台湾地区后,中国外交部宣布了一系列反制措施 。
Beijing says it will cancel a range of military meetings with U.S. officials.
北京方面表示,将取消与美国官员的一系列军事会谈 。
It's also suspending cooperation on repatriating illegal migrants, on criminal judicial coordination, on cross-border crime prevention, and on drug control.
还将暂停在非法移民遣返、刑事司法协助、跨境犯罪打击和毒品控制方面的合作 。
China-U.S. climate change talks are also suspended.
中美气候变化商谈也被暂停 。
China has also announced sanctions against Nancy Pelosi and her immediate family members over her Taiwan visit.
此外,中国还宣布对窜访中国台湾地区的佩洛西及其直系亲属实施制裁措施 。
Beijing says Pelosi, who's second in line of succession to the presidency, ignored China's grave concerns and firm opposition.
北京方面表示,身为美国总统第二顺位继承人的佩洛西,不顾中方严重关切和坚决反对 。
It says Pelosi's action undermined China's sovereignty and territorial integrity,
and severely threatened peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
严重威胁了台海和平稳定 。