After four weeks of shut doors, restaurants in the Chinese capital once again open for business.
在暂停堂食四周之后,中国首都的餐馆终于在近日重新开门迎客了 。
As the situation improves in the country, Beijing is set to relax restrictions on indoor dining, courier services and in-person classes,
but caution remains and frequent testing will stay in place.
但对待疫情依然不敢懈怠,频繁的核酸检测将继续维持 。
"We've reduced the number of tables by 50%.
“我们把餐桌的数量减少了50% 。
We will disinfect our dinnerware in boiling water, the chairs and other things after each guest leaves.
客人离开后,我们会用开水消毒餐具、椅子和其他东西 。
We will disinfect the floor every two hours."
每两小时我们会给地板消毒一次 。”
Now, the lifting of restrictions comes as a welcome measure, especially for the service industry.
取消相关限制是一项众望所归的措施,尤其是对服务业而言 。
Consumption is expected to recover as public spaces, such as malls, reopen their doors.
随着商场等公共场所重新开门营业,群众消费有望恢复 。
"Retail sales are expected to be boosted 30 times by our funding support."
“在我们的资金支持下,零售额有望增长30倍 。”
The Chinese government recently announced a new round of vouchers and coupons starting Friday.
中国政府最近宣布,从周五开始发放新一轮的代金券和优惠券 。
A coupon package worth about 200 euros a month, available when buying energy-saving home appliances, in a bid to boost the lagging economy and promote cleaner energy.
购买节能家电时,消费者每月可使用价值约200欧元的消费券,以提振低迷的经济及推广清洁能源 。