Paraquat is a chemical herbicide that is highly toxic and used all over the world.
百草枯是一种毒性很强的化学除草剂,在世界各地广泛使用 。
It can cause fatal poisoning when ingested or inhaled.
当不慎摄入或吸入时,可导致中毒死亡 。
Ingestion of small to medium amounts of paraquat may lead to development of adverse health effects,
such as heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure, and lung scarring, within several days to several weeks.
如心脏衰竭、肾功能衰竭、肝功能衰竭和肺部瘢痕 。
Ingestion of large amounts of paraquat, on the other hand, leads to the following signs or symptoms within a few hours to a few days:
acute kidney failure, confusion, coma, fast heart rate, injury to the heart, liver failure,
lung scarring, muscle weakness, pulmonary edema, respiratory failure, and seizures.
肺瘢痕、肌无力、肺水肿、呼吸衰竭和癫痫发作 。
It is reported that 70% of paraquat poisoning result in death.
根据报告,百草枯的中毒致死率高达70% 。
And people with large ingestions of paraquat are not likely to survive.
而大量摄入百草枯的人,存活率更是极低 。