Spring fatigue is a condition that may make you feel more tired than usual during the seasonal transition from winter to spring.
“春季疲劳综合征”(春困)指的是在从冬天到春天的季节过渡期间,你会感到比平时更累的一种情况 。
It can also affect your concentration and appetite.
它也会影响你的注意力和食欲 。
It all has to do with how the body deals with the seasonal change.
这一切都与身体如何应对季节变化有关 。
Exposure to sunlight increases the brain's release of the hormone called cortisol.
暴露在阳光下会使大脑增加释放一种叫做皮质醇的荷尔蒙 。
Because of this, even people who are visually impaired can tell the difference between day and night.
也正因如此,即使是视力受损的人也能分辨出白天和黑夜 。
When the sun sets, the brain produces the sleep hormone melatonin.
当太阳落山时,大脑会产生一种名叫褪黑激素的睡眠荷尔蒙 。
This is why it's more difficult to wake up after long winter nights than in the summer.
这就是为什么相比夏天,你在漫长的冬夜后醒过来要更困难 。
As the season moves from winter to spring, earlier secretion of cortisol can lead to spring fatigue.
随着季节从冬天过渡到春天,皮质醇的分泌会提前,这样就导致了“春困” 。
The sun rises earlier as the season moves from winter to spring.
季节由冬转春,太阳就会升起得更早 。
Your alarm clock is set at the same time, but the brain wakes up about 30 to 40 minutes earlier and makes you sleepy during the day.
虽然你的闹钟设定在同样的时刻,但你的大脑会提前30到40分钟醒来,这就会使得你在白天昏昏欲睡 。
Various sources of light also blur the lines between day and night, causing sleep disturbances and resulting in more tired days.
此外,各类光源也模糊了白天和黑夜的界限,造成了睡眠障碍,导致在更多的白天你会出现身体疲惫的状况 。