At 12 am June 1st, pandemic control checkpoints at district boundaries, river tunnels and bridges were all removed, as well as all the roadblocks.
6月1日凌晨0点,设立在上海各区交界、过江隧道和桥梁入口的防疫检查点以及所有路障,全部被拆除 。
The Nanpu Bridge, Lupu Bridge, Yan'an Road Tunnel and other cross-river passages all became open to traffic once again after being closed to traffic for 65 days.
南浦大桥、卢浦大桥、延安公路隧道等跨江通道,在封闭65天后全部恢复通车 。
Many residents waited in advance, so they could get out onto the roads as soon as possible.
许多市民早早就等候起来,以便能尽快驾车上路 。
I'm very excited. Everyone has been waiting for this moment for the past two months.
我非常激动 。在过去的两个月里,大家一直在等待这一刻 。
Traffic between Puxi and Pudong has now resumed. We made it, everyone persevered until this moment of victory.
现在浦西和浦东都正常通行了 。大家都坚持住了,坚持到了胜利的这一刻 。
At around 12.30 am, less than half an hour after the streets reopened, there was already congestion on Yan'an Elevated Road towards the Bund.
凌晨0点30分左右,就在恢复交通后的半小时不到的时间里,延安路高架前往外滩方向上的车流已经出现了拥堵 。
The slow-moving traffic stretched for nearly 3 kilometers, some parts were even more congested than typical morning and evening rush-hour.
缓慢行驶的车辆延伸了近3公里,局部拥堵程度甚至超过了以往的早晚高峰 。
The Bund was almost immediately crowded with people wanting to see the landmark waterfront that have not been able to see for so long.
外滩几乎在一瞬间就挤满了人,大家都想看看这个已经久违的地标性海滨地区 。
I feel our Bund is really quite beautiful. Feels like reunion after a long absence.
我觉得外滩真的还是蛮漂亮的 。我对这一切有种久别重逢的感觉 。
I'm going to school in the morning, and I'm also going to play outside. I will open the door, I can go outside now.
我明天还要上学,而且我还要出去玩 。我要把门打开,我可以出门了 。
The city's public transportation network also fully restored its services today.
今天,全市公共交通网络已恢复正常运行 。
Shanghai's metro network carried 913,000 people as of 11 am, approximately half the number before the lockdown.
截至上午11时,上海轨交就运送乘客超91.3万人次,载客量大约是封控前的一半 。