China has updated its COVID-19 control protocol in which the health monitoring time of close contacts and inbound travelers has been cut from 21 days to 10 days.
近日,中国更新了新冠肺炎疫情防控方案,将密切接触者和入境人员的健康监测时间从21天缩短至10天 。
An official explained that the adjustment was made in a targeted manner based on scientific research.
一位官员解释称,此次调整是在科学研究的基础上有针对性地进行的 。
"It was found that the incubation period of Omicron virus was shorter, with an average of 2 to 4 days. Most can be detected within 7 days.
“研究发现,奥密克戎病毒的潜伏期有所缩短,平均为2-4天 。绝大部分都能在7天内检出 。
It is one of the reasons to optimize the time limit for health condition monitoring."
这是优化健康监测时间的原因之一 。”
Another official added that a pilot study was carried out before launching the latest protocol.
另外一名官员补充称,在推出最新防控方案之前,负责部门进行了一项试点研究 。
"We carried out a month-long pilot study on optimizing COVID prevention and control measures in April and May in seven cities, including Dalian, Suzhou, Ningbo, Xiamen, Qingdao, Guangzhou, and Chengdu.
“今年4月至5月,我们在大连、苏州、宁波、厦门、青岛、广州、成都等7个城市开展了为期一个月的新冠病毒肺炎防控措施优化试点研究工作 。
We obtained a large amount of scientific evidence from that."
我们从中获得了大量的科学依据 。”
The official stressed that the adjustment does not mean loosening measures, but optimizing the measures in a targeted and more efficient manner.
这位官员强调,调整并不意味着放松防控,而是有针对性地、更有效地优化措施 。
He said China unswervingly sticks to its dynamic zero-COVID policy.
他说,中国会坚定不移地坚持动态清零新冠肺炎政策 。
The officials say that the joint prevention and control mechanism has held video conferences and will launch online training
to make sure that the 9th edition of diagnostic and treatment protocols for COVID-19 are fully implemented.
确保全面落实新冠肺炎第九版防控方案 。