Kane Tanaka, believed to be the world's oldest person, has passed away.
全球最长寿老人田中力子于日前去世 。
Tanaka was born on January 2, 1903, and she died on April 19.
田中力子出生于1903年1月2日,于今年4月19日逝世 。
Tanaka was 119 years old. Her cause of death was not revealed.
享年119岁,她的死因尚未对外界透露 。
Tanaka survived cancer twice, survived two world wars, and survived both the 1918 Spanish flu and the Covid-19 pandemic.
田中力子一生中有两次患癌经历,也经历过两次世界大战、1918年西班牙大流感以及新冠肺炎大流行 。
In 2019, she was celebrated and entered into the Guinness World Records.
2019年,她被载入了吉尼斯世界纪录 。
Tanaka had a sweet tooth, and enjoyed chocolate and fizzy drinks.
田中力子喜好甜食,非常喜欢巧克力和碳酸饮料 。
As of last September, Tanaka was one of the 86,510 centenarians in Japan, nine out of ten were women.
截至去年9月,田中力子是日本共计86510名百岁老人中的一员,而这些百岁老人中,90%是女性 。
With Tanaka's passing, 118-year-old French nun Lucile Randon is now the oldest woman alive.
在田中力子去世后,118岁的法国修女露西尔·兰登成为了世界上最长寿的女性 。