Huihui, a 22-year-old girl who worked in Hangzhou, stayed up late and worked overtime continuously for an Internet company.
今年22岁的女孩惠惠(化名),在杭州一家互联网公司连续熬夜加班 。
After suffering from a sudden illness, she died after being in the ICU for many days. Her case aroused widespread attention.
随后惠惠突发疾病,在重症监护抢救多日,最终不幸去世 。
The hospital diagnosis may be "sudden death caused by myocarditis."
医院方面给出的诊断可能是“心肌炎引起的猝死” 。
The girl's father said that his family was all from low-income households.
惠惠的父亲表示,自己的家庭是低保户 。
Huihui took out a loan to go to school, and after graduation, she worked hard to reduce the burden on the family.
惠惠是依靠贷款上的学,毕业后,为了减轻家庭负担,她一直在努力工作 。
Her father posted, "I hope young people will also take good care of their bodies when they work hard."
事发后,惠惠的父亲发文道:“我希望年轻人在努力工作的时候也要照顾好自己的身体 。”
The post drew attention to the conflict between "business overtime work" and "employee wellness."
该帖子引起了人们对“职场加班”和“员工健康”之间冲突的关注 。
Relevant information shows that Huihui worked overtime from mid-June to early July.
相关信息显示,从6月中旬到7月初,惠惠一直在加班 。
Overtime hours usually start at 11 P.M. and continue until 4 A.M. or even 5 A.M. the next day.
加班时间通常从晚上11点开始,一直持续到第二天凌晨4点甚至5点 。
Huihui's overtime hours have long exceeded the "Labor Law" provisions.
惠惠的加班时间早已超过了《劳动法》的规定 。
A netizen said, "You shouldn't work overtime if your body can't stand it. After all, health is the most important thing."
一位网友表示:“如果你的身体承受不了,你就不应该加班 。毕竟,健康是最重要的 。”
Others commented that the incident proves that no matter how young, no life can withstand long hours of overtime.
还有人评论称,这一事件证明,再年轻的生命也经不起长时间的加班 。
This incident once again reminds the whole society to reconsider the overtime culture.
这一事件也再次提醒全社会要反思加班文化 。