A court in Chongqing sentenced a man and his girlfriend to death for murdering two babies.
日前,重庆一家法院判处一名男子及其女友死刑,罪名是谋杀两名幼童 。
Police investigation found that Zhang Bo threw his two infant children out of the window of a high-rise building on November 2.
警方调查发现,11月2日,这名名叫张波的男子,将他两个年幼的孩子从一栋高楼的窗户内扔出 。
The two-year-old girl died at the scene, the one-year-old boy died at the hospital.
其中2岁大的女童当场死亡,1岁大的男童则在医院抢救无效死亡 。
The two were arrested a month later, Zhang then claimed that the deaths were an accident.
一个月后,张波及其女友被逮捕,张波当时声称两名幼童是死于意外 。
The court heard that Zhang's girlfriend Ye Chengchen schemed with Zhang to murder the babies and later forced him to carry out the killings.
法院审判张波与女友叶诚尘一起密谋杀害幼童,叶诚尘最终强迫张波实施杀害行为 。
A court verdict was upheld and all the charges against the two have been upheld.
法院维持了原判,并且所有关于张波及叶诚尘的指控均成立 。
They were sent sentenced to death for intentional homicide.
二人因故意杀人罪被判处死刑 。
"The deeds of the two defendants have broken the bottom line of the law and morality,
the motive of the crime was particularly despicable, and the means of crime was extremely cruel.
作案动机极其卑劣,作案手段极其残忍 。
The case has posed extremely bad impact to the society and should be severely punished in accordance with the law," the court said.
该案件已经对社会造成了极其恶劣的影响,依法应当严惩 。”法院如是称 。