Two years after the UK transitioned out of the European Union, nearly two-thirds of Britons now support a referendum on rejoining.
在英国脱离欧盟两年后,近三分之二的英国人现在支持就重新加入欧盟举行公投 。
An exclusive Savanta survey for The Independent shows opposition towards another vote has fallen,
with those who say there should never be one dropping to less than a quarter.
那些说决不应该进行再次投票的人数已经下降到不足四分之一 。
The UK left the EU on 31 January, 2020, but the "transition period" meant it observed Brussels laws and remained in the single market until 31 December.
英国于2020年1月31日脱离欧盟,但“过渡期”意味着英国在2020年12月31日之前一直遵守布鲁塞尔条约,并留在单一市场 。
Since then Britons believe the economy, the UK's global influence and the ability to control our own borders have all got worse, the survey also shows.
该调查还显示,自那以后,英国人认为经济、英国的全球影响力以及控制本国边境的能力都在不断恶化 。
This appears to have contributed to a boost in the numbers who want a future referendum on membership.
这个问题似乎促使了就“英国再次加入欧盟”在未来举行公投的人数有所增加 。
The number who say there should be another vote is now 65 percent, up from 55 percent at the same point last year, although they are split over the timing.
目前,65%的人认为应该再次举行公投,这一数字高于去年同期的55%,尽管他们在时间点上存在分歧 。
And those who say there should never be a second referendem has fallen from 32 to 24 percent.
认为决不应该举行第二次公投的人数的比例从32%下降到了24% 。
Chris Hopkins, from Savanta, said it could be that many overestimated the potential benefits of Brexit.
Savanta公司的克里斯·霍普金斯表示,很多人可能高估了英国脱欧的潜在好处 。
"It's hard to imagine being in the EU would solve any of the country's current economic issues," he said, "but perceptions matter."
“很难想象加入欧盟会解决该国目前的任何经济问题,”他说,“但观念很重要 。”