An estimated 6.5 million Americans age 65 to 74 are living with Alzheimer's.
在美国,据估计有650万的65岁至74岁的人患有阿尔茨海默氏症 。
There is no cure for the disease, but early detection can help slow the progression.
这种疾病目前无法治愈,但早期发现有助于减缓病情的发展 。
And now, a new study suggests that may come in the form of a simple blood test.
现在,一项新的研究表明,早期发现该疾病,可能能以一种简单的血液测试的形式实现 。
Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine teamed up with Swedish researchers to test their theory,
they used a complex technique where a special antibody binds to what's known as "brain-derived tau", or "BD-tau".
他们使用的是一种复杂的技术:将一种特殊的抗体与所谓的“脑源性tau蛋白”或“BD-tau蛋白”结合 。
BD-tau is a biomarker known to predict Alzheimer's and is easily detected in a person's blood.
BD-tau蛋白是一种已知的预测阿尔茨海默氏症的生物标志物,很容易在人的血液中检测到 。
They looked at 600 patient blood samples of people who died with Alzheimer's, and found significantly high levels of circulating BD-tau.
他们研究了600名死于阿尔茨海默氏症的患者的血液样本,发现循环BD-tau蛋白水平明显较高 。
While the study highlights progress, scientists say there is a critical need for diversity in clinical trials to see if results apply across the different groups.
虽然这项研究强调了取得的进展,但科学家们表示,临床试验的多样性至关重要,这样才能确定结果是否适用于不同的群体 。
In a statement, study authors write, "There is a huge need for diversity in clinical research, not just by skin color but also by socioeconomic background.
研究作者在一份声明中写道:“临床研究非常需要多样性,不仅仅是肤色,还有社会经济背景 。
To develop better drugs, trials need to enroll people from varied backgrounds and not just those who live close to academic medical centers."
为了研发更好的药物,试验需要招募来自不同背景的人,而不仅仅是那些住在学术医疗中心附近的人 。”
They also say a blood test is cheaper, safer and easier to administer,
and it can improve clinical confidence in diagnosing Alzheimer's and selecting participants for clinical trial and disease monitoring.
它可以提高临床对诊断阿尔茨海默病以及选择临床试验和疾病监测参与者的信心 。”