The PLA Air Force's veteran Bayi Aerobatic Team wowed spectators with a series of stunts.
来自中国人民解放军的老牌空军八一飞行表演队以一系列特技演出惊艳了在场的观众 。
The six J-10 fighters performed a series of formation changes and loops, with dazzling smoke trails across the sky.
6架歼-10战斗机进行了一系列的编队变化和回旋动作,在天空留下了耀眼的烟尾 。
The J-20 is China's indigenous fourth-generation medium and long-range fighter jet.
歼-20战斗机是中国自主研发的第四代中远程战斗机 。
It was displayed publicly for the first time at the airshow in 2016.
它在2016年的航展上首次公开展示 。
It performed maneuvers in formation of four and two aircraft, and single low-altitude aerobatics.
歼-20战斗机带来了四机编队和双机编队以及单机低空特技表演 。
The Yunyou-20 aerial refueling aircraft, the J-16 multirole fighter jet, and the GJ-2 unmanned aerial vehicles made their first public flights at the airshow.
运油20空中加油机、歼-16多用途战斗机和GJ-2无人机也在本次航展上进行了首次公开飞行 。
The airshow also boasts an indoor exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, and more than 100 airplanes displayed outdoors.
Aviation companies are exhibiting over 200 items covering their technological achievements, with 70 making their debut at the exhibition.
航空企业展出了涵盖其技术成果的200多个项目,其中70个项目是首次亮相 。
A scale model replica of the country's space station gives visitors a chance to learn more about how the astronauts live while in orbit.
中国空间站比例模型复制品让参观者有机会更多地了解宇航员的在轨生活 。
"The layout and colors of the cabin are almost identical to what we have in space.
“舱室的布局和色彩几乎和我们在太空中的一样 。
We hope this display helps the public get a closer look at our countries' advanced equipment."
我们希望这次展出能帮助公众更近距离地了解我们国家的先进装备 。”
The activity space inside the cabin is more than 110 cubic meters. To accommodate six crew members simultaneously, there are plenty of beds onboard.
船舱内的活动空间超过110立方米 。为了同时容纳六名航天员,舱内还设置了足够的睡眠区 。