Is the COVID-19 pandemic over in the United States?
In an interview aired September 18, U.S. President Joe Biden did say "the pandemic is over".
在9月18日播出的采访中,美国总统乔·拜登确实说了“新冠大流行已经结束”这样的话 。
But formally speaking, the U.S. has not declared the end of the pandemic.
但美国方面并没有正式宣布这一疫情大流行的结束 。
The country is still operating under a public health emergency, first declared in January, 2020.
美国现在仍处于自2020年1月首次宣布以来的公共卫生紧急状态 。
The government is expected to renew that labeling in October, but it's also likely to let the public health emergency expire in January, 2023.
美国政府预计将在10月更新该状态,但也可能让公共卫生紧急状态持续到2023年1月 。
The World Health Organization reported in mid-September that the global number of weekly reported deaths from COVID-19 was the lowest since March 2020.
世界卫生组织9月中旬报告称,全球报告的每周新冠肺炎死亡人数处于2020年3月以来的最低水平 。
"We are not there yet. But the end is in sight."
“我们还没有到(战胜疫情)那一步 。但终点线就在眼前 。”
Vaccines and treatments have helped lower the rates of death and severe illnesses.
疫苗和治疗方案有效降低了死亡率和罹患重症率 。
But in the U.S., an average of nearly 400 people a day continue to die from COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and an average of over 4,300 are hospitalized each day.
但根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据,在美国,平均每天依然有近400人死于新冠肺炎,平均每天有超过4300人住院治疗 。
And top U.S. infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci says the virus is continuing to evolve.
美国顶级传染病专家安东尼·福奇表示,这种病毒还在持续进化 。
"With the combination of the evolution of variants as well as the seasonal aspects that as we get into this coming late fall and winter, it is likely that we will see another variant emerge."
“随着变种的进化外加季节方面的因素(我们即将进入深秋乃至冬季),很可能会出现另一个新的变种 。”
Biden made his comments on the sidelines of the Detroit auto show, the largest in North America, where the president noted that very few people around him were wearing masks.
至于拜登的言论,是他在北美最大的车展--底特律汽车展的间隙发出的 。这位美国总统称,他身边几乎已经没有人戴口罩了 。
The CDC dropped an indoor masking recommendation from February for people in counties with low or medium COVID-19 levels, that's now almost 87% of the country.
从今年2月份开始,美国疾病控制与预防中心取消了对新冠肺炎程度为“低”或“中等”的县(现在几乎占美国全国的87%)的人们要在室内戴口罩的建议 。
From federal to state levels, many authorities have also scrapped mask requirements in various settings.
从联邦一级到州一级,许多政府当局也取消了在各种情况下戴口罩的要求 。