President Putin has announced a partial military mobilization to help fight the war in Ukraine.
普京总统近日宣布已开始部分军事动员,以助力在乌克兰进行的战争 。
In a television address, President Putin said the West wanted the end of Russia, just as it had brought the Soviet Union to an end.
在电视讲话中,普京总统表示,西方希望俄罗斯灭亡,就像苏联灭亡一样 。
It comes a day after Russian-occupied territories in Ukraine announced votes on joining Russia would be held.
就在一天前,乌克兰被占领地区宣布将举行加入俄罗斯联邦的投票 。
That mobilization, the first since World War II, is aimed at those with previous military experience.
而此次军事动员,是俄罗斯自第二次世界大战以来的第一次军事动员,主要面向的是那些有军事经验的人 。
Mr. Putin said he would support independence in areas of eastern Ukraine.
普京称,他将支持乌克兰东部地区的独立 。
Here's some of what President Putin said in his address on Russian television.
以下是普京总统在俄罗斯电视讲话中所提到的部分内容 。
"I repeat: we are talking of a partial mobilization only. Only people in the military reserve will be drafted.
“我要重申:我们所说的只是部分动员 。只有在预备役的公民才会被征召入伍 。
The priority will be on people who served in the armed forces, who have military specialization and experience.
优先考虑的是那些曾在军队服役过的公民,或是具有一定军事专业知识和相关经验的公民 。
Those drafted before being sent to the places of service will have mandatory additional training, relying on experience gained during the special military operation.
考虑到在特别军事行动期间获得的经验,被征召入伍的公民在被派往服役地点之前,将接受强制性的额外军事训练 。
The decree on partial mobilization has been signed."
关于此次部分动员的法令已经签署 。”
While the Russian president also issued this blunt warning:
"I want to remind those who allow themselves such statements about Russia that our country also has a variety of weapons of destruction.
“我想提醒那些对俄罗斯发表这样言论(对俄罗斯使用毁灭性武器)的人,我们的国家也拥有各种毁灭性武器 。
And if the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will, without question, use all the means at our disposal to protect Russia and our people. This is not a bluff."
如果我们国家的领土完整受到威胁,毫无疑问,我们将动用一切可以动用的手段来保护俄罗斯和我们的人民 。这不是虚张声势 。”