14-year-old Wang Fa stood out at the Guangzhou stop of the 2022 ASICS Tennis Junior Tour.
在2022亚瑟士青少年网球巡回赛广州站的比赛中,14岁的王发脱颖而出 。
He defeated the prospect in the semifinals, making him a dark horse.
在半决赛中,他击败了一位夺冠大热选手,使自己成为了一匹黑马 。
In the finals, he won 6-2, claiming his competition group singles title, but he was already catching attention ahead his victory.
在决赛中,他最终以6:2的比分获得了该年龄组的单打冠军,但在获胜前,他就已经引起了人们的关注 。
Wang, a native of southwest China's Cangyuan Wa County, likes to carry his tennis racquet in a bamboo basket.
王发来自中国西南部沧源佤族自治县,他喜欢把网球拍装在一个竹编背篓里 。
He says it's a way of honoring his hometown.
他说这是一种纪念自己家乡的方式 。
The basket is symbolic to the Wa people of Yunnan Province, a predominantly farming community.
这种背篓是以农业为主的云南省佤族人的一种特色 。
Wang is believed to be one of the first Wa ethnic group to learn the sport of tennis.
据悉,王发是最早一批接触网球运动的佤族人 。
He began at the age of eight when he was recruited under a program by a provincial club.
8岁时,他在一个省级俱乐部的项目中被挑中 。
"When I first started, I didn't like it. I didn't even want to come back after the New Year holiday. But in the second year, I found tennis a lot of fun."
“刚开始的时候,我不喜欢打网球 。新年假期后我甚至都不想回来打球了 。但第二年,我发现打网球很有意思 。”
Since 2016, Wang has dedicated himself to advancing his skills. Training was sponsored for him and his peers.
自2016年以来,王发一直致力于提高自己的技术 。而他和他的伙伴们的训练,都是由别人资助的 。
Every day, they get up at 6:30 in the morning and start practicing. But Wang says this doesn't distract them from schoolwork.
他们每天六点半起床,开始训练 。但王发表示,这并没有影响到他们正常的学习 。
"At the beginning, I knew nothing about it, and my mandarin wasn't good. But later on, I made a lot of friends and I've learned a lot."
“一开始,我什么也不懂,我的普通话也不好 。但后来,我交了很多朋友,也学到了很多东西 。”
For fellow young players from rural areas, tennis has also allowed them to see various parts of China.
对于来自农村地区的年轻球员来说,网球也可以让他们有机会饱览中国各地 。
Wang says winning his recent title is just the beginning of a promising future.
王发表示,赢得刚刚过去的赛事的冠军,只是一个美好未来的开始 。
The rising star says his goal is to head to the top spots in the professional arena.
这位冉冉升起的新星说,他的目标是在职业赛场上登顶 。
And his fans say they hope his bamboo basket will bring him some good luck.
而王发的球迷们则表示,希望他的竹编背篓能给他带来好运 。