听歌学英语:极速燃烧 Burn Fast
日期:2018-10-20 03:51



Burn Fast 极速

I said hey, you 嘿,你
Perfectly on cue 还真是不早不晚
At the end of the night 当夜晚即将结束
As I recall, I said hey babe 我记得我说‘嘿,亲爱的
When you walked my way当你从我面前走过,
You caught me on fire你让我按捺不住心中的炙热

Save me the time不要浪费我时间
I'll Save you the trouble我也不会浪费你的时间
When you've had enough当你再也受不了
And I can't take it anymore我也没法忍受的时候

Something about her 她身上有种东西
When she said hello!当她说’你好‘的时候
Taking you home 带你回家。

I'd rather burn fast 我情愿极力燃烧
Than let it burn slow也不要慢悠悠地消耗
Ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦
So let it burn, let it burn baby 燃烧吧,释放热量吧
Ooh ooh ooh 哦
Let it burn fast 激烈燃烧吧

I sang hey Jude! 我唱‘Hey Jude’

Perfectly out tune完全不着调
By the end of the drive 车开到尽头
But got a little lost 有点不知道该怎么做
You won't lie to me, 'cause every memory 你不会对我撒谎,因为每一份回忆
We'll set them on fire 都是火热的

Something about her 她身上有种东西
When she said hello!当她说’你好‘的时候
Taking you home 带你回家。

I'd rather burn fast 我情愿极力燃烧
Than let it burn slow也不要慢悠悠地消耗
Ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦
So let it burn, let it burn baby 燃烧吧,释放热量吧
Ooh ooh ooh 哦
Let it burn fast 激烈燃烧吧
Let it burn fast 激烈燃烧吧
Then let it burn slow 然后再慢下来

She said don't think她说不要想了
It's time for us to change该是时候改变一下了
So, shake my hand before it's too late赶紧我我我的手吧
So let it burn burn burn burn让激情燃烧吧
Let it burn burn burn burn让激情燃烧吧
Let it burn burn burn burn让激情燃烧吧
Let it burn burn burn burn让激情燃烧吧

I'd rather burn fast 我情愿极力燃烧
Than let it burn slow也不要慢悠悠地消耗
Ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦
So let it burn, let it burn baby 燃烧吧,释放热量吧
Ooh ooh ooh 哦
Let it burn fast 激烈燃烧吧
Let it burn fast 激烈燃烧吧

Don't think 不要去想
It's time for us to change我们该是时候做出改变了
So, shake my hand before it's too late 赶紧跟我握握手吧

cue: [kju:]
1. ~ (for sth) | ~ (to do sth) 暗示;提示;信号
John's arrival was a cue for more champagne. 乔恩一来就意味着要喝更多的香槟酒了。
That was the cue for several months of intense bargaining此事触发了此后数月激烈的讨价还价。
She stood in the wings and waited for her cue to go on. 她站在舞台后面等待着出场信号。
The actors not performing sit at the side of the stage in full view, waiting for their cues还未轮到演出的演员坐在舞台旁边能看得一清二楚的地方,等待着他们的出场提示。
When she coughs, it's my cue to come onto the stage. 她一咳嗽,就是给我暗号出场。

2. (台球等的)球杆
A cue is a long, thin wooden stick that is used to hit the ball in games such as snooker, billiards, and pool.
Their youngest brother was nine when he picked up a cue for the first time.他们最小的弟弟第一次玩台球时才9岁。

(right) on cue恰好在这时;就在这时候
Where is that boy?’ As if on cue, Simon appeared in the doorway. “那男孩在哪里?”西蒙像是接到了信号一样刚好出现在门口。
Kevin arrived right on cue to care for Harry 凯文到的正是时候,可以照顾哈丽。

take your cue from sb/sth模仿…的样子做;学…的样
Investors are taking their cue from the big banks and selling dollars. 投资者效法大银行卖出美元。
Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.他也学着像同伴那样,为先前发脾气道歉。
With interest rates, the smaller banks will take their cue from the Federal Bank.在利率方面,小银行会效仿联邦银行。
He often takes his cue from the boss. 他总是看上司的眼色行事。

v, 给提示
The studio manager will cue you when it's your turn to come on.该你上场的时候,制作经理会暗示你的。



  • companionn. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶
  • tempern. 脾气,性情 vt. 使缓和,调和 n. 调剂
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉
  • tunen. 曲调,调子,和谐,协调,调整 vt. 调整,为 .
  • cuen. 暗示,提示,信号 vt. 给 ... 提示,把 .
  • intenseadj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的
  • displayn. 显示,陈列,炫耀 vt. 显示,表现,夸示
  • doorwayn. 门口