听歌学英语:无法预测 You Never Can Tell
日期:2015-05-28 09:06



各位好!欢迎收听可可《听歌学英语》栏目。我是琳达。不知道响起的这支欢快的歌曲,大家是否熟悉。这是在电影Pulp Fiction《低俗小说》中插播的You Never Can Tell(Chuck Berry的作品)。影片中,伴着音乐,John 和Uma的那一段扭腰兔子舞被一度奉为90年代最为经典的镜头。周星驰在《百变星君》中与孙佳君也有一段类似这样的扭腰舞蹈。今天就一起来听听这首会让人全身细胞都扭动起来的You Never Can Tell吧

It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well
You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle
And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell,
"c'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell

They furnished off an apartment with a two-room Roebuck sale
The coolerator was crammed with TV dinners and ginger ale
But when Pierre found work, the little money comin' worked out well

"c'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell

They had a hi-fi phono, boy, did they let it blast
Seven hundred little records, all rock, and rhythm and jazz
But when the sun went down, the rapid tempo of the music fell
"c'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell

They bought a souped-up jitney, was a cherry red 53
Drove down to new Orleans to celebrate the anniversary
It was there where Pierre was married to the lovely mademoiselle
"c'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell

It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well
You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle
And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell,
"c'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell
"c'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell
"c'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell

主持人Linda WeChat account:1493659189


欢迎回来。电影《低俗小说》是世界影坛非线性的叙事电影代表作,风格独特,堪称九十年代最重要的电影之一。这部充满黑色幽默的犯罪群戏由6个彼此独立而又紧密相连的故事构成。片中每个人的身上都有着美好的品质,却都无可救药地走向了黑暗与迷茫。You Never Can Tell这首歌描述了老人们眼中的一对青年夫妇,老人们不明白,房子不大,车子不炫,工作又很辛苦,为什么这两人却能把日子过得有滋有味。老人们感慨说,You Never Can Tell,还真是永远也说不准啊。其实,幸福的生活也许就是在爱的指引下,两个人相互扶持一路勤劳踏实地走下去:

It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well
folk: [复数][口语]大伙们,各位;[复数][口语]双亲,父母亲;家属,亲属
Folks, it appears we're gonna have a bit of a bumpy ride for the next few minutes.各位,可能飞机会颠簸几分钟哦。
to wish sb well:为某人送上良好的祝愿;祝顺利;希望某人幸运,希望某人成功

mademoiselle [mædəm(w)ə'zɛl] n. 小姐;Miss的法语对应词
madame [mɑː'dɑːm] 美 ['mædəm] n.(法语)夫人;太太
C'est La Vie 这就是生活;如斯人生
法国人常说:C'est la vie。表示生活有很多无奈 相当于英语的This is life.
扩展一个词组:Deja-vu /dei,dʒɑː 'vu/
原文为法语déjà vu,中文翻译简单而言就是"似曾相识",对本来未曾经历过的事情或未曾看到过的场景仿佛在某时某地经历过。
Many people at one time or another have experienced deja vu.许多人都或多或少经历过似曾相识的感觉。(one time or another曾经有过,十有八九经历过)

They furnished off an apartment with a two-room roebuck sale
furnish ['fɝniʃ] vt.布置; 提供;供应;装备
I have a 50% right to furnish the house.我有50%的权利给房子配家具。
We have to furnish our own supplies for the painting class.绘画课的工具我们得自己准备。
roebuck ['rəʊbʌk]
Roebuck Real Estate房地产公司
sale [seil] n. 销售;出售;拍卖;销售额;廉价出售
买一送一:buy one, get one free
All jeans are ‘buy one get one free’ today.今天所有的牛仔裤都是买一送一。

trade in:以旧换新
My mom wants to trade in her old car for a new one.我妈妈想把她的车以旧换新。
trade up:更新换代;升级; 卖次买好;以次换好的买卖;买更贵的东西;
Consumers are willing to ‘trade up' to brands that they perceive as healthier.消费者愿意“更新换代”,购买他们认为更加健康的品牌。(perceive [pə'siːv] vt. 察觉,感觉;理解;认识到)
trade down:以优换次;降级;
In a severe recession, while some people trade down to fast food, many others eat at home more frequently to save money.在经济严重衰退时期,当一些人降级消费吃快餐时,更多的人却为了省钱会更多滴选择在家用餐。
比喻意思:If you were an attractive woman, would you rather trade UP or trade DOWN? 如果你是一位很迷人的女士,你想随高还是就低/想嫁比自己好的人还是要嫁不如自己的人?

The coolerator was crammed with TV dinners and ginger ale 冰箱里塞满了电视便餐与姜味啤酒。
TV dinner [美国英语]TV餐;即食餐;
ale [el] n. 麦芽酒;埃尔啤酒
Good ale will make a cat speak. [谚语]酒后吐真言;好酒能使人吐露真言。

They had a hi-fi phono, boy, did they let it blast 他们买了高保真音响。嘿,哥们,他们还真是不低调/他们声音开得可大着呢!
hi-fi phono
hi-fi= high fidelity 高保真(fidelity [fɪ'dɛləti] n. 保真度;忠诚)
phono: phonograph ['foʊnə.ɡræf]n. 留声机;唱机
Blast n. 爆炸;冲击波;一阵 vt. 爆炸;损害;使枯萎

They bought a souped-up jitney, was a cherry red 53
soup: n. 汤,羹;马力 vt. 加速;增加马力
souped-up ['su:ptʌp] adj. 加强了马力的
You should insist on more money, and possibly a souped-up title.你应该坚持要求加薪,或者可能的话要求一个更高的/更带劲的职衔。
jitney:n 小汽车;破旧汽车


主持人Linda WeChat Account:1493659189

