听歌学英语:摇篮 Cradles
日期:2021-02-06 21:14




Sub Urban


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ayjt03pVPSIfkR9YIrpBuw

提取码: qrky

I live inside my own world of make-believe我活在自己想象的世界

Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities小孩在摇篮里尖叫 烦死

I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach我眼里的世界只有黑和白

Cross out the ones who heard my cries and watched me weep


I love everything我热爱一切

Fire's spreading all around my room大火在房间里蔓延

My world's so bright 我的世界好明亮

It's hard to breathe but that's alright呼吸困难 不过没关系



Tape my eyes open to force reality (oh no, no)胶带黏开眼皮 强迫自己面对现实

Why can't you just let me eat my weight in glee?你为什么不让我享受暴瘦的快乐

I live inside my own world of make-believe我活在自己想象的世界

Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities小孩在摇篮里尖叫 我草

Some days I feel skinnier than all the other days有时我觉得自己好像真的变瘦了

And some days I can't tell if my body belongs to me有时我感觉不到自己的身体

I love everything我热爱一切

Fire's spreading all around my room大火在房间里蔓延

My world's so bright 我的世界好明亮

It's hard to breathe but that's alright呼吸困难 不过没关系



I wanna taste your content我想了解你的世界

Hold your breath and feel the tension屏住呼吸 感受这紧张的气氛

Devils hide behind redemption 救赎不过是另一种折磨

Honesty is a one-way gate to hell诚实只会让人万劫不复

I wanna taste consumption我想知道放纵的滋味

Breathe faster to waste oxygen 加快呼吸 消耗氧气

Hear the children sing aloud 听见孩子们大声歌唱

It's music 'til the wick burns out灯光还在 歌声就不停


Just wanna be care-free lately, yeah最近只想无拘无束地活着

Just kicking up daisies如活死人 不问世事

Got one too many quarters in my pockets 口袋有很多25美分的硬币

Count 'em like the four-leaf clovers in my locket 细细清点像是数着盒子里的四叶草

Untied laces, yeah宽衣解带

Just tripping on daydreams 做着白日梦

Got dirty little lullabies playing on repeat 循环播放着被污染的摇篮曲

Might as well just rot around the nursery 不如就这样躺在摇篮里

and count sheep慢慢睡过去

there be与情态动词连用

may might可能;也许;

Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. 警方怀疑那两桩凶杀案可能有关联。

can could 可以;能够

We said we would do it—there can be no turning back. 我们说过要干这事,不能反悔。

There can be miracles, when you believe只要你相信,就会有奇迹出现。

shall should 应该

There shouldn't be any doubt about this whole thing.整件事,大家不应该有任何怀疑。

will would

There would be some money left for you.到时候会给你留一些钱的。

must 一定;必定

There must be a way to solve this.一定有办法解决这个问题的。

have to

There has to be someone who can fix all this必须得有谁处理这个问题吧。

ought to应该;理应;

There ought to be some good films at the cinema this weekend.这周电影院应该有些好电影上映。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
