听歌学英语:那些逝去的日子 The Days
日期:2020-11-04 04:02



The Days - Avicii

Under the tree 苍茫大树下
Where the grass don't grow 没有野草的地方
We made a promise 我们许下承诺
To never get old永远不老
You had a chance你有过机会
And you took it on me 用在了我身上
And I made a promise 然后我做出了
That I couldn't keep 无法兑现的承诺
Heart ache heart break 心痛 心碎
All over town 铺天盖地
But something flipped 但是什么东西被触动了
Like a switch 就像个开关
When you came around 当你出现
And I'm in pieces pick me up 我遍体鳞伤的时候 你将我拯救
And put me together 让我振作
These are the days 这样的日子
We've been waiting for 是我们一直期待的
On days like these 过着这样的日子
Who couldn't ask for more 别无他求
Keep them coming 这样的日子请不要停
Cause we're not done yet 因为我们还需要
These are the days 这样的日子
We won't regret 我们无悔
These are the days 这样的日子
We won't forget 我们铭记
These are the days 这样的日子
We've been waiting for 我们一直在期待
Rattle the cage 摆脱牢笼
And slam that door 摔门而去
And the world is calling us but just not yet世界迟早会呼唤我们
These are the days 这样的日子
We won't regret 我们无悔
These are the days 这样的日子
We won't forget 我们铭记
Out on the midnight 午夜时
The wild ones howl 野性在嚎叫
Last of the lost boys 撑到最后的迷茫男孩
Have thrown in the towel弃械投降
We used to believe 我们曾相信
We were stars aligned 一切是天公作美
You made a wish 只要许愿
And I fell out of time 就会超越时空
Time flew, cut through 飞越时光
All over town越过全城
You make me 你让我
Bleed when I look up 在仰望的时候血流不止
And you're not around而你不在身边
But I'm in pieces 但是当我遍体鳞伤
Pick me up 你又会将我拯救
And put me together 把我治愈
These are the days这是我们
We've been waiting for一直等待的日子
On days like these像这样的日子
Who couldn't ask for more你无法要求更多
Keep them coming让这样的日子来得更猛烈些吧
Cause we're not done yet 因为我们还需要
These are the days 这样的日子
These are the days 这样的日子
We won't regret 我们无悔
These are the days 这样的日子
We won't forget 我们铭记
These are the days这是我们
We've been waiting for一直等待的日子
Neither of us knows what's in store 我们都不知道将来会怎样
You just roll your window 你只是关起窗戶
Down place your bets 放下你的赌注
These are the days 这样的日子
We won't regret 我们无悔
These are the days 这样的日子
We won't forget 我们铭记
And these are the days这些日子啊
And these are the days这些日子啊
slip [slɪp] n.差错;疏漏;纰漏;纸条;便条;滑跤;滑倒;失脚
a slip of the pen 笔误
a slip of the tongue 口误
He recited the whole poem without making a single slip. 他一字不差地背诵了全诗。
I wrote it down on a slip of paper. 我把它记在一张纸条上。
One slip and you could fall to your death.一失脚,你就会摔死。

As I ran up the stairs, my foot slipped and I fell.我跑上楼梯时踩滑摔倒了。
The fish slipped out of my hand. 鱼从我手里溜掉了。
She slipped out of the house before the others were awake. 她趁其他人还没醒,溜出了房子。
I managed to slip a few jokes into my speech.我设法在讲话中穿插了几个笑话。
They slipped some money to the guards.他们悄悄给看守塞了点钱
He began to slip into debt. 他开始欠债了。
to slip into a dress 麻利地穿上连衣裙
to slip out of a dress 麻利地脱掉
The animal slipped free and escaped. 那头动物挣脱逃跑了。

let slip sth 泄露;无意中说出
She tried not to let slip what she knew. 她尽量不把自己知道的事情说漏嘴。
let sth slip (through your fingers) 错过;失去
Don't let the chance to work abroad slip through your fingers. 这个出国工作的机会你可不要错过。

slip up 疏忽;不小心出差错
We can't afford to slip up.我们疏忽不得。

slipup [ˈslɪpˌʌp] n.失误;疏忽
an accidental slip-up 一个意外的失误
We have to make the most of the slight slip-up我们必须充分利用这个小小的失误

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692
