听歌学英语:波浪 Waves
日期:2018-12-29 01:38



Waves - Addal

My face above the water脸颊浮出水面
My feet can't touch the ground, touch the ground双脚离地
And it feels like感觉好像
I can see the sands on the horizon我可以看到地平线的沙海
Every time you are not around每次你不在
I'm slowly drifting away, drifting away我只能随波游荡
Wave after wave, wave after wave一浪接着一浪,一浪接着一浪
I'm slowly drifting drifting away我随波游荡
And it feels like I'm drowning感觉好像就要被淹没
Pulling against the stream奋力逆流而上
Pulling against the stream奋力逆流而上
I wish I could make it easy我希望一切可以容易些
Easy to love me love me你能轻易爱上我 爱上我
But still I reach但是我仍然需要
To find a way寻找一条路
I'm stuck here in between我在这里进退两难地挣扎
I'm looking for the right words to say我在搜肠刮肚寻找合适的话语
I'm slowly drifting away drifting away我随波游荡
Wave after wave wave after wave一浪接着一浪 一浪接着一浪
I'm slowly drifting drifting away我随波游荡
And it feels like I'm drowning感觉好像要被淹没
Pulling against the stream奋力逆流而上
Pulling against the stream奋力逆流而上

wave: [weɪv]
n 海浪;波浪;波涛;电波
Seagulls bobbed on the waves . 海鸥随浪花在水面上起起伏伏。 (扩展一下:bob vt. 使上下(或来回)快速摆动;剪短(头发);轻拍,轻叩 )
radio/sound/ultrasonic waves 无线电波;声波;超声波
Sound waves, light waves, and radio waves have a certain frequency, or number of waves per second.声波、光波或无线电波等都有特定的频率(也就是每秒的波数)。
n 比喻意义上的‘浪潮’,‘一阵阵 ’
a crime wave 犯罪浪潮
A wave of fear swept over him. 一阵恐惧传遍他的全身。(sweep vt.掠过; 扫除; 打扫,清理; 彻底搜索; )
She felt a wave of panic, but forced herself to leave the room calmly...她感到一阵恐惧,但还是强作镇定地离开了房间。
n 大量涌现的人(或事物)
Wave after wave of aircraft passed overhead. 一批又一批飞机从上空掠过。
A wave of immigrants is washing over Western Europe.移民潮正席卷西欧。

n 挥手;招手;摆手
She declined the offer with a wave of her hand. 她摆了摆手谢绝了这一机会/提议。
He gave us a wave as the bus drove off. 公共汽车开动时,他向我们挥了挥手。

v ~ (at/to sb) | ~ sth (at sb) | ~ sth (about/around) 挥手;挥手示意;挥舞
The people on the bus waved and we waved back. 公共汽车上的人挥手致意,我们也向他们挥手。
Hospital staff were outside to welcome him, waving flags and applauding...医院的工作人员都在外面一边挥动旗子一边鼓掌欢迎他。
My mother was crying as I waved her goodbye . 我向母亲挥手告别时她哭了。
I showed my pass to the security guard and he waved me through. 我向保安员出示了通行证,他挥手让我通过。
Lisa waved him away with a show of irritation...Lisa恼火地挥手让他离开。
He waved the servants out of the tent.他挥手让仆人们退到帐篷外。

动词词组:wave sth↔aside/away对…置之不理;不理会
My objections to the plan were waved aside. 我对这项计划的反对意见未被理会/遭了冷遇。



  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • aircraftn. 飞机
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • frequencyn. 频繁,频率
  • tentn. 帐篷 v. 住帐篷,宿营
  • streamn. (人,车,气)流,水流,组 v. 流动,流出,飘动
  • irritationn. 刺激,烦恼,刺激物
  • panicn. 恐慌 adj. 惊慌的 vt. 使 ... 惊慌