听歌学英语:谢幕 Take A Bow
日期:2018-11-19 12:38



Take a Bow - Rihanna
鞠躬答谢 - 蕾哈娜
Ohh how about a round of applause哦 要给你来点掌声吗
Yeah standing ovation对 起立为你鼓掌
Ooh ohh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
You look so dumb right now你现在就像个傻子
Standing' outside my house站在我家门外面
Tryin' to apologize试图道歉
You're so ugly when you cry你大哭的样子简直不忍直视
Please just cut it out求求你 省省吧
Don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not别说对不起 因为你根本不觉得有愧于我
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught宝贝 你只会在被我逮个正着时说抱歉
But you put on quite a show oh但你已经演了一场好戏
You really had me goin'我信以为真了
But now it's time to go oh但随着时间流逝
Curtain's finally closin'帷幕最终会落下
That was quite a show oh你演得一场好戏
Very entertainin'十分赏心悦目
But it's over now but it's over now可是现在一切该结束了 就此收手吧
Go on and take a bow ohh ohh最后鞠躬答谢
Grab your clothes and get gone get gone收拾行李 给我消失
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on come on在洒水车来喷你前给我马上消失
Talking 'bout ‘girl I love you you're the one’虚情假意地说什么你爱我 我是你的唯一
This just looks like a re-run不过是重复的戏码罢了
Please what else is on拜托 还有什么把戏吗
And don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not mmm
别说对不起 因为你根本不觉得有愧于我
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught mmm
宝贝 你只会在被我逮个正着时说抱歉
But you put on quite a show oh但你已经演了一场好戏
You really had me goin'我信以为真了
But now it's time to go oh但随着时间流逝
Curtain's finally closin'帷幕最终会落下
That was quite a show oh你演得一场好戏
Very entertainin'十分赏心悦目
But it's over now but it's over now可是现在一切该结束了 就此收手吧
Go on and take a bow ohh最后鞠躬答谢
And the award for the best liar goes to you goes to you最佳说谎者奖于你而言当之无愧
For makin' me believe that you could be paithful to me让我相信你对我忠心不二
Let's hear your speech out来几句谢幕致辞吧
How about a round of applause要给你来点掌声吗
A standing' ovation我该起立为你鼓掌
But you put on quite a show oh你已经演了一场好戏
You really had me goin'让我信以为真
But now it's time to go oh但是时候滚蛋了
That was quite a show oh你演得一场好戏
Very entertainin'十分赏心悦目
But it's over now but it's over now可是现在一切该结束了 就此收手吧
Go on and take a bow最后鞠躬答谢
But it's over now可是现在一切该结束了
1.applause[əˈplɔz] n. 掌声;喝彩;热烈鼓掌
Let's give her a big round of applause ! 让我们给予她热烈的掌声吧。
They greeted him with thunderous applause.他们以雷鸣般的掌声欢迎他。([ˈθʌndərəs] adj.雷鸣般的; )
His speech was greeted with a storm of applause 人们对他的演讲报以雷鸣般的掌声。
He acknowledged the applause with a small bow. 他微微地鞠了一躬表示对掌声的感谢。 (acknowledge
[əkˈnɒlɪdʒ] v 承认; 鸣谢; 对…打招呼; 告知已收到; )

applaud [əˈplɔd] v 鼓掌欢迎,欢呼;称赞,赞许;赞成,同意
He started to applaud and the others joined in. 他开始鼓掌,其他人也跟着鼓起掌来。
I applaud her for having the courage to refuse. 我赞赏她敢于拒绝。
He should be applauded for his courage...他的勇气值得称道。

2. entertaining [ˌentərˈteɪnɪŋ]adj. 有趣的,娱乐的,使人愉快的
I found the talk both informative and entertaining. 我认为这次演讲知识与趣味并重。 (informative adj 信息量大的;提供信息的; 增长见闻的)
She was always so funny and entertaining. 她总是那么风趣,令人愉快。
This is a surprisingly entertaining film... 这部电影的娱乐性十足,让人意想不到。
This is an entertaining yet thought-provoking film. 这部电影令人捧腹,却又发人深省。 (provoke [prəˈvəʊk] v 煽动;激起,挑起;招致;)

entertain [ˌentəˈteɪn] vt. 招待,款待 考虑;热情款待;使有兴趣;心存,怀有(想法、希望、感觉等)
The job involves a lot of entertaining. 这项工作需要经常设宴招待客人。
The aim of the series is both to entertain and inform. 这个系列节目旨在集知识和娱乐为一体。
I feel how foolish I am to entertain doubts...我竟然心存怀疑,真是太愚蠢了。
He had entertained hopes of a reconciliation. 他曾对和解抱有希望。
I wouldn't entertain the idea of such an unsociable job. 我不会考虑从事这种不跟人打交道的工作。



  • reconciliationn. 调和,和解 n. [会]对账
  • applaudvi. 拍手喝采 vt. 称赞,鼓掌
  • bown. 弓 n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头 v. 鞠躬,成弓形,
  • acknowledgevt. 承认,公认,告知收到,表示感谢,注意到
  • applausen. 鼓掌,喝彩,赞许 v. 鼓掌
  • provokevt. 激怒,惹起,驱使
  • ovationn. 热烈欢迎,大喝采,大受欢迎
  • curtainn. 窗帘,门帘,幕(布) vt. (用帘)装饰,(以帘
  • boutn. 回合,一场
  • refusev. 拒绝 n. 垃圾,废物 adj. 无用的