听歌学英语: (不容小觑的歌)嘿吼Hey Ho
日期:2020-10-16 17:52



Ho Hey——The Lumineers

I've been trying to do it right 我努力做好每件事
I've been living a lonely life 我过着孤独的日子
I've been sleeping here instead 我睡在这里
I've been sleeping in my bed 而不是我的床上
sleeping in my bed 我的床上
So show me family 让我看看家庭的美满
All the blood that I will bleed 我愿奉献全身血脉以作交换
I don't know where I belong 没有归宿感
I don't know where I went wrong 不知道问题出在那里
But I can write a song 我就只是会写歌
I belong with you you belong with me 我属于你 你属于我
You're my sweetheart 你是我的心肝宝贝
I belong with you you belong with me 我属于你 你属于我
You're my sweet 你是我的甜心
I don't think you're right for him 你和他不般配
Think of what it might have been if you 想一下
Took a bus to Chinatown 如果你和我坐公交去中国城会怎样
I'd be standing on Canal and Bowery 我会站在坚拿街和宝厘街
And she'd be standing next to me而她紧紧依偎在我身旁
I belong with you you belong with me 我属于你 你属于我
You're my sweetheart 你是我的爱人
I belong with you you belong with me 我属于你 你属于我
You're my sweetheart 你是我的心肝宝贝
And love we need it now 我们需要爱
Let's hope for some 祈祷马上就能遇见得到
Cause oh we're bleeding out 因为我们快要血尽人亡
I belong with you you belong with me我属于你 你属于我
You're my sweetheart 你是我的爱人
I belong with you you belong with me 我属于你 你属于我
You're my sweet 你是我的心肝宝贝
intent [ɪnˈtent]adj. 热切的;专注的
an intent gaze 专注的目光
an intent look 专注的神情
His eyes were suddenly intent. 他的目光突然专注起来。
I was so intent on my work that I didn't notice the time. 我专心工作,以致忘了时间。
Rodney has been intent on every word. 罗德尼字字留心。

~ on/upon doing sth 决心做
Are you intent upon destroying my reputation? 你是不是存心要败坏我的名誉?
They were intent on murder. 他们存心杀人。
The rebels are obviously intent on keeping up the pressure...叛乱分子显然决心继续施压。

a letter/statement of intent 意向书
His intent is clearly not to placate his critics. 他的目的显然不是要安抚批评他的人。([pləˈkeɪt] vt. 抚慰;使和解)

to all intents and purposes 几乎完全;差不多等于
By 1981 the docks had, to all intents and purposes, closed.到1981年,这些码头几乎等于关闭了。
The two items are, to all intents and purposes, identical. 这两件物品几乎完全一样。
To all intents and purposes he was my father. 他几乎可以称得上是我的父亲。

intently adv. 专心地;一心一意地;心无旁骛地
He listened intently for a few minutes.他专心地听了几分钟。
She looked at him intently. 她目不转睛地看着他。
He looked up and studied her face intently for a moment. 他抬起头,仔细端详了一会儿她的脸。
Clara watched her intently, but her tone was casual.克拉拉目不转睛地看着她,但语气很随意。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692
