听歌学英语:你是我的眼 You Are My Bright Eyes
日期:2015-12-13 14:03



如果我能看得见 If I can see with my eyes
就能轻易的分辨白天黑夜 no matter it’s white day or dark night
就能准确的在人群中牵住你的手At least I can hold your hand in the crowded street
如果我能看得见If I can see with my eyes
就能驾车带你到处遨游 I can drive you to the place we dreamt of
就能惊喜的从背后给你一个拥抱And give you a surprising hug from your back
如果我能看得见If I can see with my eyes
生命也许完全不同 My life is different from before
可能我想要的我喜欢的我爱的都不一样Maybe my favorite , my love are not the same as before
眼前的黑不是黑 You know the black is not the black
你说的白是什么白 Why the color is white , tell me why?
人们说的天空蓝 I know the blue sky is blue,
是我记忆中那团白云背后的蓝天 In my heart , the clear blue sky is behind the white cloud
我望向你的脸 When I see your face with my eyes
却只能看见一片虚无 But there is nothing, nothing in my eyes
是不是上帝在我眼前遮住了帘 I ask the God why he covered my eyes
忘了掀开Forget to move!
你是我的眼 带我领略四季的变换 You are my bright eyes , let me feel the seasons has changed
你是我的眼 带我穿越拥挤的人潮 You are my bright eyes, let me go through the crowed street
你是我的眼 带我阅读浩瀚的书海You are my bright eyes, leads me to the sea of knowledge
因为你是我的眼 Because you are my bright eyes,
让我看见这世界就在我眼前 Let me see the world is just right before my eyes


歌词:I ask the God why he covered my eyes, forget to move!
The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
Cover firl就是(杂志)的封面女郎,比如:
Mary is not a cover girl, but she is pretty enough to be. 玛丽不是封面女郎,但她足够漂亮去做一名封面女郎。
Read from cover to cover理解为从封面读到了封底,那也就是从头看〔读〕到底,例如:
He read the book from cover to cover. 他通读了这本书。
Do not try to cover a mistake. 不要试图掩盖错误。
Cover引申表示包含 “走完(一段路程)”“够付(费用)”等等,比如:
The dictionary's articles cover a wide range of topics.
歌词:You are my bright eyes, let me go through the crowed street.
Go through这个短语其实在之前的节目中已经介绍过了,意思比较多,我们再来回顾一下:
Cars are not allowed to go through the city centre. 禁止汽车从市中心穿行。
歌词中的go through也是这个意思:带我穿越拥挤的人潮-let me go through the crowed street.
The child is going through a difficult phase. 那孩子正经历困难的阶段。
Go through的另外一个意思是“检查,浏览”,例如:
He thought it his duty to go through the papers. 他认为是他的责任去检查这些文件。
The Customs men went through his suitcases. 海关人员检查了他的衣箱。
歌词:You are my bright eyes, leads me to the sea of knowledge.
Lead to基本意思是“通向、把…带到”,有这么一句谚语:
All roads lead to Rome. 条条大道通罗马。
Lead to还可以表示导致,引起;过去式是led to。例如:
His foolish behavior led to his eventual failure. 他的愚蠢行为导致了他最后的失败。
The sea of knowledge就是知识的海洋。短语come to sb's knowledge意思是“被某人知悉”,比如:
The matter never came to the knowledge of the teacher. 这件事老师始终不知道。
With sb's knowledge 表示某人知道,例如:
He sold the car with his wife's knowledge. 他把汽车卖了,这个他妻子是知道的。
那么相反的,比知道就是With out sb's knowledge,例如:
She wrote the letter without any of our knowledge. 她写了那封信我们谁都不知道。


