听歌学英语:我要告诉妈妈 I'll Tell Me Ma
日期:2018-11-12 02:26



I'll Tell Me Ma - Sinéad O'Connor我要告诉我妈妈
I'll tell me Ma when I go home当我回家的时候 我要告诉我的妈妈
The boys won't leave the girls alone男孩们死缠着女孩们不放
They pull my hair. They stole my comb他们拉扯着我的头发,,他们偷走我的梳子
But that's alright till I go home没关系,先忍着,回家再说
She is handsome. She is pretty她英气逼人,她楚楚动人
She is the belle of Belfast city她是贝尔法斯特城的美人
She is courtin' one two three她招人喜欢,一个、两个、三个.....
Please won't you tell me who is she请问你可以告诉我她是谁吗
Albert Mooney says he loves her阿尔伯特·穆尼说,他爱她
All the boys are fighting for her所有的男孩都争着抢着想得到她
They knock at the door and ring at the bell他们敲门,按门铃
Saying Oh my true love, are you well说着 噢 我的真爱 你还好吗?
Out she comes as white as snow她出来了, 如同白雪般纯洁
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes她戴在手上的戒指 系在脚趾上的铃铛
Oul Jenny Murray says she'll die珍妮穆雷说
If she doesn't get the fella with the loving eye如果她等不到那个有着一双深情眼睛的男孩
She is handsome she is pretty她潇洒利落 她沉鱼落雁
She is the belle of Belfast city她是贝尔法斯特城的美人
She is courtin' one two three她招人喜欢,一个、两个、三个.....
Please won't you tell me who is she请问你可以告诉我她是谁吗
Let the wind and the rain and the hail blow high任凭风雨交加,冰霜满天
And the snow come tumblin' from the sky雪花簌簌地从空中落下
She's as nice as apple pie她就像苹果派那般甜美
And she'll get her own lad by and by她终究会找到属于自己的白马王子
When she gets a lad of her own当她找到了命中注定的那个人
She won't tell her Ma when she goes home回家的时候 她不会告诉她的母亲
Let them all come as they will让他们一如既往吧
For it's Albert Mooney she loves still因为她爱的依然是阿尔伯特·穆尼
She is handsome she is pretty她英气逼人 她楚楚动人
She is the belle of Belfast city她是贝尔法斯特城的美人
She is courtin' one two three她在数着 一 二 三
Please won't you tell me who is she请问你可以告诉我她是谁吗
off the grid 不入网的(不使用公用输电网、煤气输送网、自来水网等), 远离公共设施的; 与外界隔离,玩消失,人间蒸发; 失去联系
In 2010, can anyone realistically live off the grid? 在2010年,隐居的生活方式能成为现实吗?
He wanted some place that was completely off the grid. 他想住在一个完全远离喧嚣的地方。
Last month I went off the grid,all the way off. 上个月,我完全与世隔绝了。
court: [kɔːt]法庭
the civil/criminal courts 民事 / 刑事法庭
At this rate, we could find ourselves in the divorce courts!照这样下去,我们会为离婚闹上法院!
They took their landlord to court for breaking the contract. 因为房东毁约,他们把他告上了法庭。
The case was settled out of court (= a decision was reached without a trial) . 这案件已庭外和解。
rule/throw sth out of court(尤指在法庭上)指明完全错误,不予考虑,不予受理
The charges were thrown out of court. 这些指控未予受理。
Well that's my theory ruled out of court. 唉,那就是我遭到摒弃的意见。
a tennis/squash/badminton court
网球 / 壁球 / 羽毛球场
The hotel has several tennis and squash courts. 该旅馆有几个网球场和壁球场。
v 试图取悦,讨好,争取,试图获得;博得;追求;恋爱;招致
Both candidates have spent the last month courting the media. 两位候选人在过去的一个月里都在取悦媒体。
He has never courted popularity. 他从不追求名望。
I was courting Billy at 19 and married him when I was 21...我19岁开始追求比利,21岁嫁给了他。
At that time they had been courting for several years. 当时他们已经谈了好几年的恋爱了。
If he thinks he can remain in power by force he is courting disaster...如果他认为可以通过武力继续掌权,那他就是在自寻死路。
by and by [baɪ ənd baɪ] adv 不久,马上;晚些时候
He'll come round by and by. 他会慢慢想通的。
By and by you'll be able to figure out what sort of person he really is. 你不就就会知道他是个什么样的人。



  • settledadj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • disastern. 灾难
  • sinn. 原罪 v. 犯罪,违反(教规)
  • contractn. 合同,契约,婚约,合约 v. 订合同,缩短,缩小,
  • popularityn. 普及,流行,名望,受欢迎
  • criminaladj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的 n. 罪犯
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • trialadj. 尝试性的; 审讯的 n. 尝试,努力,试验,试