听歌学英语:分手快乐 We're Good
日期:2021-03-12 04:28



We're Good

Dua Lipa


I’m on an island, even when you’re close即使你在身邊 我仍像身處孤島

Can’t take the silence, I’d rather be alone無法忍受這沈默 我寧願獨自寂寞

I think it’s pretty plain and simple.显而易见

We gave it all we could我們已竭尽全力

It’s time I wave goodbye from the window是時候向窗外的過往揮手道別

Let’s end this like we should 就讓我們結束這一切

and say we’re good.愉快分手

We’re not meant to be like sleeping and cocaine 我们有缘无分 强扭的瓜不甜

So let’s at least agree 所以至少讓我們達成共識

to go our separate ways 就此分道揚鑣

Not gonna judge you when you’re with somebody else 你跟别人在一起 我不会有任何意见

As long as you swear 只要你发誓

you won’t be pissed when I do it myself 我也这样做的时候 你不会负气

Let’s end it like we should and say we’re good 让我们结束这一切 然后说‘分手快乐’

No need to hide it, go get what you want不用隱藏你的渴望 去追尋你想要的吧

This won’t be a burden if we both don’t hold a grudge只要我們不要心懷怨懟 這就不會成為負擔

I think it’s pretty plain and simple, we gave it all we could很明显 我们竭尽全力却无力回天

It’s time I wave goodbye from the window是时候站在窗前对着过往说拜拜了

Let’s end this like we should 让我们洒脱结束这一切

and say we’re good 然后对彼此说‘分手快乐’

We’re not meant to be like sleeping and cocaine 我们本就不合适


So let’s at least agree to go our separate ways所以至少讓我們達成共識 就此分道揚鑣

Not gonna judge you when you’re with somebody else當你找到新的伴侶時 我不會看不惯

As long as you swear 只要你能發誓

you won’t be pissed when I do it myself 当我也这样做的时候 你不怨恨

Let’s end it like we should 让我们结束这孽缘

and say we’re good 愉快分手

Now you’re holding this against me 可是现在你却怨恨着我

like I knew you would 像我预期的那样

I’m trying my best to make this easy 我已经很努力让分手别演变成撕逼

So don’t give me that look, 所以 别那样看着我

just say we’re good 握手言和吧

We’re not meant to be like sleeping and cocaine 我们本就水火不容

So let’s at least agree to go our separate ways 所以 请至少与我达成共识 就此一别两宽

Not gonna judge you when you’re with somebody else当你有新欢 我不会怎样

As long as you swear只要你发誓

you won’t be pissed when I do it myself 我也这样做的时候 你能看开

Let’s end it like we should and say we’re good结束这有缘无分的恋情吧 然后说‘分手快乐’


The Journey


Mary Oliver

One day you finally knew 某天,你终于知道

what you had to do, and began, 自己必须做什么,于是开始去做,

though the voices around you 尽管周围充斥着无数声音

kept shouting 不断嚷着

their bad advice— 它们的坏点子

though the whole house 尽管整栋房子

began to tremble 都开始颤抖;

and you felt the old tug 你感到那旧绳索

at your ankles. 在绊你的脚。

“Mend my life!” “修复我的生活!”

each voice cried. 每个声音哭喊着。

But you didn’t stop. 但你没有止步。

You knew what you had to do, 你知道你必须做什么,

though the wind pried 尽管风,用它僵硬的手指

with its stiff fingers 在撬动

at the very foundations, 这根基,

though their melancholy 尽管它们的忧郁

was terrible.很可怕

It was already late 天色已

enough, and a wild night, 晚,这是疯狂的夜晚,

and the road full of fallen 路上布满

branches and stones. 断枝乱石。

But little by little, 但是,一点点地,

as you left their voices behind, 当那些声音在身后消退

the stars began to burn 星星开始燃烧着

through the sheets of clouds, 穿过云层,

and there was a new voice 一个新的声音出现

which you slowly 你慢慢

recognized as your own, 意识到,那是你自己的声音,

that kept you company 一直伴随着你,

as you strode deeper and deeper 当你越来越深地

into the world, 大踏步进入这世界,

determined to do 铁了心去做

the only thing you could do- 你唯一能做的事

determined to save铁了心去拯救

the only life you could save.你唯一能拯救的生活。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
