听歌学英语:心神不宁 Disturbia
日期:2020-10-07 16:53



Disturbia - Rihanna

Bum bum bedum bum bum bedum bum
No more gas in the rig汽油耗尽
Can't even get it started动不了
Nothing heard nothing said没有声音 没有话语
Can't even speak about it 甚至无法谈论
Out my life out my head 滚出我的生活 滚出我的心
Don't wanna think about it不想再想了
Feels like I'm going insane感觉自己快要发疯
It's a thief in the night像是夜间的窃贼
To come and grab you将你一把抓住
It can creep up inside you慢慢潜入你的内心
And consume you消耗你
A disease of the mind像心魔
It can control you可以控制你
It's too close for comfort游走在舒适的边缘
Throw on your brake lights亮起你的刹车灯
We're in the city of wonder我们处在奇迹之都
Ain't gonna play nice不想好好玩乐吗
Watch out you might just go under小心 你可能会陷得太深
Better think twice最好三思而行
Your train of thought will be altered你的思绪会改变
So if you must falter,be wise所以如果你摇摆不定,最好还是机智些
Your mind is in disturbia你心神不宁
It's like the darkness is the light像是黑暗却又明亮如光
Disturbia 心神不宁
Am I scaring you tonight我今晚吓到你了吗
Disturbia 心神不宁
Ain't used to what you like还不习惯你喜欢的事物吗
Disturbia 心神不宁
Disturbia 心神不宁
Bum bum bedum bum bum bedum bum
Faded pictures on the wall墙上褪色的相片
It's like they talking to me就像他们在告诉我
Disconnecting all the calls切断所有的通话
Your phone don't even ring你的手机甚至没有响铃
I gotta get out我得赶紧逃开
Or figure this shit out或者理清我的思绪
It's too close for comfort oh游走在舒适的边缘
It's a thief in the night像是夜间的窃贼
To come and grab you将你捉住
It can creep up inside yo潜入你内心
And consume you折磨你
A disease of the mind像是心魔
It can control you控制你
I feel like a monster我感到自己像是一个怪物
Throw on your brake lights亮起你的刹车灯
We're in the city of wonder,City of lights我们身处奇迹之都 灯光之城
Ain‘’t gonna play nice oh不想好好玩乐吗
Watch out you might just go under小心 你可能会陷得太深
Better think twice think twice最好三思而行
Your train of thought will be altered你的想法会被改变
So if you must falter be wise be wise所以如果你摇摆不定最好还是机智些
Your mind is in disturbia你心神不宁
It's like the darkness is the light像是黑暗却又明亮如光
Am I scaring you tonight我今晚吓到你了吗
Ain't used to what you like what you like还不习惯你喜欢的事物吗
Bum bum bedum bum bum bedum bum
Release me from this curse I'm in解除我身上的诅咒
Trying to maintain试着维持现状
But I'm struggling但是我在挣扎着
If you can't go go go如果你无法离开
I think I'm gonna oh oh oh我想那我就
Throw on your brake lights亮起你的刹车灯
We're in the city of wonder我们处在奇迹之都
Aingt gonna play nice不想好好玩乐吗
Watch out you might just go under小心 你可能会陷得太深
Better think twice better think twice最好三思而行
Your train of thought will be altered你的想法会被改变
So if you must falter be wise所以如果你摇摆不定最好还是机智些
If you must falter be wise如果你摇摆不定最好还是机智些
Your mind is in disturbia你的思绪在这恐怖社区
It's like the darkness is the light像是黑暗却又明亮如光
Am I scaring you tonight我今晚吓到你了吗
Ain't used to what you like还不习惯你喜欢的事物吗
Bum bum bedum bum bum bedum bum
falter [ˈfɔːltər]v.衰弱;衰退;衰落
Normal life is at a standstill, and the economy is faltering... 正常生活处于瘫痪,经济也在衰退。
The economy shows no signs of faltering. 经济没有衰退的迹象。
Her courage never faltered. 她从未气馁过。
Her voice faltered and she had to stop a moment to control it. 她声音发颤,只好稍作停顿加以控制。
His voice faltered as he began his speech. 他开始演讲时说话结结巴巴。
As he neared the house his steps faltered. 当他走近房子时,脚步迟疑了起来。
the baby's first faltering steps婴儿刚学步时摇摇晃晃的脚步
She walked up to the platform without faltering. 她健步走上了讲台。
He never faltered in his commitment to the party. 他对党始终忠贞不渝。
I have not faltered in my quest for a new future 我对崭新未来的追求从未动摇过。

pensive [ˈpensɪv] adj. 沉思的;忧郁的;悲伤的;哀愁的
a pensive mood 沉重的心情
The painting can inspire a pensive mood. 这幅画能引人沉思。
He looks pensive 他神情忧伤
He looked suddenly sombre, pensive. 他突然一副阴郁忧虑的样子。(sombre [ˈsɑːmbər] adj. 阴沉的;忧郁的;昏暗的)

impervious[ɪmˈpɜːrviəs] adj.不受影响的;不能渗透的;不透气的;不透水的
She seems almost impervious to the criticism from all sides...对于来自各方的指责,她似乎无动于衷。
an impervious rock/layer 不透水的岩石 / 地层
impervious to moisture 防潮的
This material is impervious to rainwater. 这种材料防雨。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692
