日期:2020-08-29 15:45



I Knew You Were the One - Tiffany Alvord

I never thought that从未想过
A guy like you would give a girl like me a shot 你这样的男孩会喜欢我这样的女孩
I think maybe i like you just a little我觉得我可能有点喜欢你
Or maybe it's a lot也许是很喜欢
'Cause when i close my eyes因为当我闭上双眼
Da da da da
I knew I knew我就知道就知道
You were the one 你是我的真爱
Da da da da
I knew I knew我就知道就知道
You were the one 你是我的真爱
When your eyes met mine你我眼神交汇时
The butterflies in my bellies came alive 我心中小鹿直撞
One step closer 再靠近一点点
A one-in-a-million, feeling that you can't fight 你是百年不遇,无法抗拒
'Cause when I close my eyes因为当我闭上双眼
Da da da da
I knew I knew我就知道就知道
You were the one 你是我的真爱
Da da da da
I knew I knew我就知道就知道
You were the one 你是我的真爱
Slowly swaying as you take me你带着我轻轻摇曳
And you pull me in a little closer你将我慢慢拉近怀中
Slowly swaying when our eyes meet我们四目相对,我们轻轻摇曳身姿
We feel the magic in the air take over我们都感觉到了空气中的魔力
Hush hush there's no need to talk嘘,我们之间无需多言
We say it all when our lips lock嘴唇紧闭,我们用心感受
Da da da da
I knew I knew我就知道就知道
You were the one 你是我的真爱
Da da da da
I knew I knew我就知道就知道
You were the one 你是我的真爱
Yeah yeah
Da da da da
I knew I knew我就知道就知道
You were the one 你是我的真爱
glean[ɡliːn] v.费力地收集;四处搜集(信息、知识等)
These figures have been gleaned from a number of studies.这些数据是从很多研究中收集得来的。
At present we're gleaning information from all sources...目前,我们正从各种渠道收集信息。
10,000 pages of evidence were gleaned from hundreds and hundreds of interviews. 从无数次的采访中收集到了长达一万页的证据。
From what people said, I managed to glean that he wasn't coming. 我从别人说话中总算弄清楚他不来了。

suss [sʌs] v.意识到;认识到;发现
I think I've got him sussed (= now I understand him) . 我想我已了解他了。
If you want to succeed in business you have to suss out the competition.要想在生意场上立足,你必须真正明白竞争是怎么回事。
He cheated on her for years, but she never sussed.他有外遇多年了,但她从来没有察觉。
I think I've sussed the reason for it.我想我已经弄清楚其中的缘由了。
They're sussing out the area to see how strong the police presence is...他们正在这一带摸底,看这里的警力如何。
He susses his colleagues out and he knows who he can trust...他摸清了自己同事的底细,知道了谁可以信任。
I'd had the training to suss out what he was up to.我参加培训是想搞清楚他居心何在。

draw v. 描绘;描画;拖(动);拉(动);牵引;拉;;拖(车);吸引;使感兴趣
drawn adj. 清瘦的,憔悴的,愁眉苦脸的;苍白的;(人或脸部)扭歪的;拉长的
She looked drawn and tired.她看上去既憔悴又疲惫。

sadistic [səˈdɪstɪk] adj. 施虐狂的;虐待狂的
The prisoners rioted against mistreatment by sadistic guards...囚犯因不堪忍受狱警施虐而发动了暴乱。
He took sadistic pleasure in taunting the boy. 嘲讽这孩子让他感到施虐的快感。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692
