听歌学英语:梦中与我相会 Meet Me In My Dreams
日期:2018-11-06 00:51



Meet Me In My Dreams - Drew Ryan Scott

梦中与我相会 - 德鲁瑞恩斯科特

Won't you come and meet me你会来见我吗?

Meet me where I'm dreaming与我梦中相会吧。

Let me know let me know让我知道 让我知道

Can you make it你来得了吗?

I'm standing我独自站在

Alone under the stars星空下

I'm missin you so hard right now对你朝思暮想,如此难过

All the memories所有记忆

They are keeping me alive它们存在我鲜活的生命里

Yea I've managed to survive somehow是的 我正在设法生存

Now I'm sending you a message我要给你发一封短信

I hope you're not against it我多么希望你不要拒绝

Tonight when you close your eyes今晚 当你闭上眼睛

Won't you come and meet me你会来见我吗

Meet me where I'm dreamin你会在我梦中与我相遇吧

Let me know let me know让我知道让我知道

Can you make it你能做到吗

Give me a moment给我一点时间

Tonight when I'm sleeping今晚 当我进入梦乡

Let me know让我知道

That there's nothing to fear没有什么值得害怕的

Just tell me that you'll be there只要告诉我 你一直在

Be there tell me that you'll be there告诉我 你一直在我身边

Be there promise that you'll be there答应我 你会一直在我身边

Be there就待在这儿

Just tell me that you'll be there只要告诉我 你一直在

Be there tell me that you'll be there告诉我 你一直在我身边

Be there promise that you'll be there答应我 你会一直在我身边

Be there就待在这儿

The city这座城

Has never been so dark从未如此黑暗

I guess if I was smart I'd let go我想我够聪明的话 也许会放手

But I keep waiting但我会一直等待

And hoping it's you that's at the door多么希望你就在门前

But you don't knock anymore at all但是你不再敲门

The clock is ticking slowly时钟缓慢地滴答作响

I'm sick of being lonely我厌倦了孤独

And tonight今夜

Baby when you close your eyes当你闭上眼睛

Won't you come and meet me你会来见我吗

Meet me where I'm dreamin你会在我梦中与我相遇吧

Let me know let me know让我知道让我知道

Can you make it你能做到吗

Give me a moment给我一点时间

Tonight when I'm sleeping今晚 当我进入梦乡

Let me know让我知道

That there's nothing to fear没有什么值得害怕的

Just tell me that you'll be there只要告诉我 你一直在

Be there tell me that you'll be there告诉我 你一直在我身边

Be there promise that you'll be there答应我 你会一直在我身边

Be there就待在这儿

Just tell me that you'll be there只要告诉我 你一直在

Be there tell me that you'll be there告诉我 你一直在我身边

Be there promise that you'll be there答应我 你会一直在我身边

Be there就待在这儿

Safe to meet me安全地来迎接我

Won't you come and meet me你会来见我吗

Meet me where I'm dreaming你会在我梦中与我相遇吧

Let me know let me know让我知道让我知道

Can You make it来得了吗?

Give me a moment给我一点时间

Tonight when I'm sleeping今晚 当我进入梦乡

Let me know让我知道

That there's nothing to fear没有什么值得害怕的

Just tell me that you'll be there只要告诉我 你一直在

Be there tell me that you'll be there告诉我 你一直在我身边

Be there promise that you'll be there答应我 你会一直在我身边

Be there就待在这儿


1. yawn n/v呵欠;


The meeting was one big yawn from start to finish. 这个会议自始至终无聊透顶。

v (裂隙或缺口)裂开,豁开

The gulf between them yawned wider than ever.他们之间的隔阂比以往任何时候都要深。

2. It is a commonplace to say that Northern Ireland is a backwater in the modern Europe.说北爱尔兰是现


commonplace: [ˈkɒmənpleɪs] N-COUNT 老生常谈;陈词滥调;寻常的事物; 平常话

adj. 平凡的,陈腐的;平庸的,普通的

backwater: [ˈbækˌwɔtɚ]n.回水,回流; 滞水,死水; 闭塞的地方; 不受外界事件或新思想影响的地方;

There aren't any good shops in this village; it's just a backwater. 这个村庄没有什么好店铺,穷乡僻壤。

3. recede [rɪˈsi:d] v 逐渐远离;渐渐远去

The sound of the truck receded into the distance. 卡车的声音渐渐消失在远处。

She watched his receding figure. 她看着他的身影渐渐远去。

(especially of a problem, feeling or quality 尤指问题、感情或品质) 逐渐减弱;慢慢变小

The pain was receding slightly. 疼痛正在一点一点地减弱。

Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede...正当我开始觉



He is a middle-aged man with a receding hairline 他是个发际后移的中年男子



  • qualityn. 品质,特质,才能 adj. 高品质的
  • commonplaceadj. 平凡的,陈腐的 n. 常事,老生常谈,普通的东
  • smartadj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • survivevt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过 vi.
  • slightlyadv. 些微地,苗条地
  • recedevi. 后退,减弱 vt. 撤回