日期:2021-05-09 17:17



Home (RAC Mix)
Edward Sharpe,The Magnetic Zeros

Alabama, Arkansas阿拉巴马州 阿肯色州
I do love my ma and pa我的确爱我的父母
Not that way that I do love you但不同于我爱你
Holy moley, me oh my天啊 天呐 天啊噜
You're the apple of my eye你就是我的一切
Girl, I've never loved one like you姑娘 我从来没有这么爱过一个人
Man, oh man, you're my best friend是啊,你也是我最好的朋友
I scream it to the nothingness我再怎么高声呐喊 也无法表达对你的情感
There ain't nothing that I need我不再要求别的什么
Well, hot and heavy, pumpkin pie热气腾腾的南瓜派
Chocolate candy, Jesus Christ香甜诱人的巧克力糖果
Ain't nothing please me more than you可是 只有你能让我快乐
Ah,home啊 家
Let me go home让我回家
Home is wherever I'm with you有你在的地方就是家
Ah, home啊 家啊
Let me go home让我回家吧
Home is wherever I'm with you有你的地方就是家
I'll follow you into the park我会跟随着你来到公园
Through the jungle, through the dark越入丛林 走过黑暗
Girl, I never loved one like you姑娘 以前从来没这样爱过谁
Moats and boats and waterfalls沟谷 小船 瀑布
Alleyways and pay phone calls大街上 公用电话旁
I've been everywhere with you 跟你一起到过所有地方
(That's true)(没错)
Laugh until we think we'll die 开怀大笑 直到喘不过气
Barefoot on a summer night赤脚走在夏日夜晚
Never could be sweeter than with you没有什么比跟你在一起更甜蜜
And in the streets you run a-free大街上你自由奔跑
Like it's only you and me就好像全世界只有我们俩
Geez, you're something to see天啊,你全身都是惊喜
Ah, home啊 家
Let me go home然后回家
Home is wherever I'm with you有你在的地方就是家
Ah, home啊 家啊
Let me go home让我回家
Home is wherever I'm with you与你相随的地方就是家
Let me come home让我回家
Home is wherever I'm with you我与你相随 就是家
Ah, home啊,家
Yes I am home没错 我回家了
Home is when I'm alone with you我与你在一起的地方就是家
Alabama, Arkansas阿拉巴马州,阿肯色州
I do love my ma and pa我的确爱我的妈妈和爸爸
Moats and boats and waterfalls河流 小船 瀑布
Alleyways and pay phone calls胡同小巷 公用电话
Home is wherever I'm with you两个人在一起就是加
Home is where I'm alone with you与你在一起的地方就是家

What does home mean to you?

Home is the sound of my husband’s key in the door at the end of the day.
Home is where I can take off my bra.
Home is a good man, a good chair, and a good wine.

Home isn’t a place; it’s a feeling.
Whether I’m in my husband’s warm arms or smelling the sweet smell of my newborn baby,
home means always having someone to nuzzle with before drifting off to sleep.

whether...or是...还是; 不论
To this day, it's unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered.

nuzzle [ˈnʌzl] v紧贴某人;用鼻擦;舒服地躺著
The dog came and nuzzled up against me.这条狗跑过来,依偎在我身边
drift off 逐渐入睡
I must have drifted off, because when I woke we were nearly home.


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nkx_PM0Z2eJKf856q8b0FQ
提取码: akzz

琳达微信公众号: Multilingual Freaks Club

