日期:2021-01-22 15:23




Ed Sheeran


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Xkxfd0mQ6Kjf-PqnDtdYUA

提取码: pjd7

I wanna be drunk when I wake up 我希望醒来依然酒醉

On the right side of the wrong bed躺在陌生的床上我常睡的那一边

And every excuse I made up每一个我用心编织的借口

Tell you the truth I hate都在告诉你我憎恶的事实

What didn't kill me没杀死我的

it never made me stronger at all 也根本没让我更坚强

Love will scar your make-up lip sticks to me爱情会毫不留情地撕裂你精美的妆容

So now I'll maybe lean back there徒然瘫在椅子上

I sat here wishing I was sober 我坐在这里 后悔当时那么醉

I know I'll never hold you like I used to 我知道 再也无法像之前那样与你相拥

But our house gets cold when you cut the heating当你离开时 这屋子就像切断暖气般寒冷

Without you to hold I'll be freezing 抱不到你 我寒冷彻骨

Can't rely on my heart to beat it 心在跳动 但这根本算不得是生气

Cause you take part of it every evening 因为每个孤寂的夜晚这心跳都因对你的思念而渐弱

Take words out of my mouth just from breathing 说话气若游丝

Replace with phrases like 'when you leaving me?' 念叨着 你离开我

Should I, Should I 我是不是应该 应该......

Maybe I'll get drunk again 算了 一酒解千愁吧

I'll be drunk again 喝醉好了

I'll be drunk again 再让自己醉一次好了

To feel a little love 醉了才能感觉到爱

I wanna hold your heart in both hands我想用双手轻捧你的心

Now I'll watch it fizzle at the bottom of a coke can 现在就看着它幻化成可乐瓶底的一丝白气

And I've got no plans for the weekend 这周末我没计划做什么事情

So should we speak then? Keep it between friends?所以我们是不是需要谈谈 像朋友那样

Though I know you'll never love me, like you used to尽管我明知 你永远不会再像之前那样爱我

There maybe other people like us或许有其他人同你我一样

Will see the flicker of the clipper when they light up会看到彼此之间擦出的爱之火花

Flames just create us, 这火花让我们走在了一起

burns don't heal like before却不再像以前那样修复我们的伤痕

You don't hold me anymore你不再与我相拥

On cold days Coldplay's out 寒冷的日子里,听着酷玩的歌

like the band's name心就如乐队的名字般冰凉

I know I can't heal things with a handshake我知道,现在握手已无法言和

You know I can't change as I began saying你也知道我无法像我开始时说的那样改变

You cut me wide open like a landscape你将我伤得很深 就像悬崖绝壁那么大的口子

Open bottles of beer but never champagne大口喝着啤酒但永不碰香槟

To applaud you with the sound that my hands make我拍着手,为你喝彩

Should I? Should I?我是否应该 应该......

Maybe I'll get drunk again 算了 一酒解千愁吧

I'll be drunk again 喝醉好了

I'll be drunk again 再让自己醉一次好了

To feel a little love 醉了才能感觉到爱

All by myself I'm here again 孑然一身

All by myself独自一人

You know I'll never change 你知道我永远无法改变

All by myself All by myself 孤独终老吧 孤独终老吧

I'm just drunk again就让我再醉一次

I'll be drunk again让我再醉一次

I'll be drunk again让我再醉一次

To feel a little love来感受一点点爱意

过去完成时态二 过去的过去


He told me that he had written a new book.他告诉我他写了一本新书。


We realized we had lost our way.我们意识到我们迷路了。

I wanted to ask her if she had passed her examination.我想问她是否考试及格了。



By the end of last year,he had worked in the factory for twenty years.


By six o'clock they had worked for 8 hours.到6点钟他们已经工作了8小时了。(可能还没结束)

I began collecting stamps in February and by November I had collected more than 2000.



If only we had listened to their advice! 我们要是听了他们的意见就好了!

If only you had worked with greater care! 你要是更仔细一些该多好!


If I had asked for directions,I wouldn't have gotten lost.如果我问一下路,就不会迷失方向了。

I wish...(我希望……),I’d rather...(我宁愿……)后的that-从句

I'd rather you hadn't been present.我宁愿你当时不在场。

与过去完成时连用的时间状语 already, hardly...when; still

The game had hardly/scarcely/barely begun when it started raining.比赛刚刚开始就下起雨来。

When I came back at midnight she still hadn't finished yet.我半夜回来时,她还没有做完。

When I got there, the plane had already left.我到那儿的时候,飞机已经起飞了。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
