荧屏中的情景口语 第360期:一周经典语句
日期:2014-12-10 16:15


Classic Statements
1. Great job, buddy. Now comes the fun part rappel down.
1. 很好,兄弟。接下来的是最好玩的,慢慢滑下来。
2. You have nothing to fear but fear itself...and the concrete, but I'm right here, buddy.
2. 唯一值得恐惧的就是恐惧本身,当然还有水泥。我在下面接你。
3. Just bring the club back. Go ahead. All right? Now turn those hips. That's it. You just got to relax.
3. 只用向后抬杆子继续,还行吧?现在把屁股扭过去,就是这样,需要放松。
4. You got to open up the stance a little bit. If you don't relax, you're never gonna get that shaft where it belongs.
4. 姿势再舒展一点。如果你放松点,每一杆球都会很准的。
5. Wolowitz is trying to outflank us. Let out some string, add altitude and I'll go under and cut his line.
5. 沃洛维兹想要对我们进行包抄。再放些线,放高点。接着我要下来阻断他的线路。
6. Oh, they think we're flanking. They're playing right into our hands.
6. 噢,他们以为我们要夹击。他们马上要被我们控制了。
7. Hinder! Lucky shot!
7. 防守阻碍!运气球!
8. For the first half the game, I was distracted by what happened in the locker room.
8. 比赛前半程,我一直被刚才的事困扰着。
9. I like jogging in the morning. In early morning, the streets are quiet and the air is fresh. Jogging makes me feel happy and energetic for the whole day.
9. 我喜欢早上慢跑,早晨街上非常安静,空气非常清新。慢跑可以让我觉得非常愉快,并且让我全天都觉得精力充沛。
10. I like mountain climbing best. Every time when I climb to the top of the mountain, my heart is filled with a great sense of achievement.
10. 我最喜欢爬山,每次我爬到山顶时,心里就充满了成就感。
