荧屏中的情景口语 第279期:一周经典语句
日期:2014-08-14 17:29


Classic Statements
1. Do you mind if I borrow this chair? Yes, I mind. Sorry. I'm expecting someone.
1. 我能不能借用这张椅子?对不起,我在等人。
2. I need more coffee, it's cool.
2. 我再来些咖啡,味道不错。
3. What kind of coffee would you like?
3. 您要哪一种?我们有意式浓缩咖啡,花式咖啡,拿铁咖啡,脱脂拿铁咖啡和美式咖啡。
4. Is your coffee shop open now?
4. 你们咖啡厅现在营业吗?
5. I wonder where there's a coffee shop that is nice and cool.
5. 哪里有凉快的咖啡厅呢?
6. Here you are. You'll find the sugar just over there.
6. 给您,砂糖就在那边。
7. What kind of coffee do you like? Our specialty is French coffee.
7. 您要哪一种呢?我们的特色是法式咖啡。
8. Just give me a cup of black coffee, which is my favorite.
8. 给我一杯黑咖啡就好,这是我的最爱。
9. Do you want to take out? No, I have it here. May I have some napkin?
9. 您要带走吗?不,我在这儿喝。能给我一些餐巾吗?
10. Yeah, give me a chocolate bar, too. Please gave them wrapped. I'll take them away.
10. 再来一份巧克力棒。请帮我打包,我要带走。
